The term “crunchy” is an adjective used to describe a texture that is crisp, hard, and makes a sound when bitten or crushed. In a broader sense, it is also used to characterize food that has a satisfying crispiness or a mixture of textures, often associated with freshness and a pleasing bite.
Sample Sentences:
- The crunchy leaves underfoot signaled the arrival of autumn.
- The chef prided himself on creating a salad with a variety of crunchy vegetables.
- With every bite, the granola bar offered a delightful crunchy sensation.
- The hiker enjoyed a trail mix of nuts and dried fruits, savoring the crunchy combination.
- As she bit into the apple, the loud and crunchy sound echoed in the quiet room.
- The fried chicken had a perfectly crunchy exterior while remaining tender inside.
- The morning cereal was a mix of crunchy flakes and sweet raisins.
- The freshly baked bread had a crunchy crust that complemented its soft interior.
- The sound of crunchy footsteps on the snow echoed through the winter night.
- The chef recommended the dish for its unique blend of soft and crunchy elements.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Crisp: Rapuh
- Brittle: Mudah pecah
- Firm: Keras
- Snappy: Garing
- Crunchy: Garing
- Hard: Keras
- Textured: Tekstur
- Stiff: Kaku
- Fracturable: Dapat patah
- Solid: Padat
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Soft: Lembut
- Tender: Lunak
- Spongy: Berongga
- Malleable: Mudah dibentuk
- Delicate: Halus
- Smooth: Halus
- Fluffy: Empuk
- Moist: Basah
- Flexible: Lentur
- Pliable: Fleksibel
Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Crunch: Garing
- Crunchiness: Kerenyahan
- Crunching: Mengunyah dengan garing
- Crunchable: Dapat dihancurkan
- Cruncher: Pemecah
- Crunchyroll: Gulungan yang garing
- Crunchiness: Kerenyahan
- Crunchyroll: Penyiaran garing
- Crunch time: Waktu kritis
- Cruncher: Mesin penghancur
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Texture: Tekstur
- Crispiness: Ke-rapuhan
- Bite: Gigitan
- Freshness: Kebasaran
- Pleasing: Menyenangkan
- Satisfying: Memuaskan
- Mixture: Campuran
- Sound: Suara
- Exterior: Bagian luar
- Interior: Bagian dalam
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Bite into: Menggigit
- Crush underfoot: Menginjak-injak
- Savor the combination: Menikmati kombinasi
- Echo in the quiet room: Bergaung di ruangan yang sepi
- Complement its soft interior: Melengkapi bagian dalam yang lembut
- Recommend for: Merekomendasikan untuk
- Blend of elements: Campuran elemen
- Sound of footsteps: Suara langkah kaki
- Signal the arrival: Menandakan kedatangan
- Pride oneself on: Bangga pada diri sendiri atas
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Satisfying crispiness: Kerenyahan yang memuaskan
- Pleasing bite: Gigitan yang menyenangkan
- Delightful sensation: Sensasi yang menyenangkan
- Unique blend: Campuran unik
- Perfectly crunchy: Sangat garing
- Echoed in the room: Bergaung di ruangan
- Recommended for: Direkomendasikan untuk
- Variety of vegetables: Berbagai macam sayuran
- Mix of nuts: Campuran kacang-kacangan
- Freshly baked: Baru dipanggang
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Crisp as a biscuit: Rapuh seperti biskuit
- Fresh as a daisy: Segar seperti bunga dasi
- Sound as a bell: Bersuara seperti bel
- Cool as a cucumber: Sejuk seperti ketimun
- Solid as a rock: Kokoh seperti batu
- Light as a feather: Ringan seperti bulu
- Tough as nails: Tangguh seperti paku
- Soft as silk: Lembut seperti sutra
- Hard as nails: Keras seperti paku
- Smooth as glass: Halus seperti kaca