Dany Escobedo Goes to Jail

Dany Escobedo Goes to Jail

In 1960, a young Chicagoan, Danny Escobedo, was given a 20-year jail sentence for first-degree murder. Danny had confessed to complicity in the killing of his brother-in-law after the police had refused to allow him to see his lawyer. Danny was tricked into blaming a friend for liquidating his sister’s husband, thereby establishing himself as an accomplice.  Despite the fact that Danny later recanted his confession, he was found culpable and jailed. Danny had been stereotyped as a hoodlum, and nobody raised an eyebrow over the hapless felon’s troubles.

  • Complicity: Keterlibatan, kerjasama, kebersamaan
  • Blaming: Menyalahkan, menuduh, mengecam
  • Liquidating: Menyelesaikan, melikuidasi, membubarkan
  • Accomplice: Rekan, kawan, sekutu
  • Recanted: Membantah, menarik kembali, menyangkal
  • Culpable: Bersalah, bertanggung jawab, terlibat
  • Stereotype: Stereotip, penggambaran, klise
  • Hoodlum: Preman, penjahat, pengacau
  • Raise an eyebrow over: Mengernyitkan dahi, meragukan, mencurigai
  • Hapless: Sial, malang, tak beruntung
  • Felon: Penjahat, pelaku kejahatan, tahanan.
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