

Berikut adalah beberapa nama barang yang ada di dapur beserta padanan katanya dalam bahasa Inggris:

  1. Sendok – Spoon
  2. Garpu – Fork
  3. Pisau – Knife
  4. Piring – Plate
  5. Gelas – Glass
  6. Mangkuk – Bowl
  7. Panci – Pot
  8. Wajan – Pan
  9. Teko – Kettle
  10. Kompor – Stove
  11. Oven – Oven
  12. Microwave – Microwave
  13. Kulkas – Refrigerator
  14. Blender – Blender
  15. Penggiling kopi – Coffee grinder
  16. Pengocok telur – Egg beater
  17. Saringan – Strainer
  18. Talenan – Cutting board
  19. Pengaduk – Whisk
  20. Timbangan – Scale
  21. Sodetan – Straw
  22. Sutil – Grater
  23. Pengupas – Peeler
  24. Pengocok adonan – Dough mixer
  25. Penyaring teh – Tea strainer
  26. Penyaring kopi – Coffee filter
  27. Pengocok susu – Milk frother
  28. Pengocok telur – Egg whisk
  29. Pengocok krim – Cream whipper
  30. Pengocok adonan roti – Bread dough hook
  31. Pengocok adonan kue – Cake batter beater
  32. Pengocok adonan kue – Cake batter whisk
  33. Pengocok adonan kue – Cake batter paddle
  34. Pengocok adonan kue – Cake batter spatula
  35. Pengocok adonan kue – Cake batter scraper
  36. Saringan teh – Tea infuser
  37. Penggiling rempah – Spice grinder
  38. Pengocok adonan – Dough whisk
  39. Pengocok adonan – Dough scraper
  40. Pengocok adonan – Dough cutter
  41. Pengocok adonan – Dough roller
  42. Pengocok adonan – Dough press
  43. Pengocok adonan – Dough divider
  44. Pengocok adonan – Dough docker

Words in Use

The Culinary Conundrum

In a quaint town nestled between rolling hills and charming cottages, there lived an extraordinary chef named Emily. She was known far and wide for her magical culinary creations that left everyone in awe. One fateful day, as Emily prepared for a grand banquet, her trusty kitchen appliances suddenly vanished. The enchanted spoon, fork, and knife disappeared, leaving her bewildered.

Determined to unravel the mystery, Emily embarked on a culinary quest. She discovered a mysterious portal in her kitchen, transporting her to a culinary wonderland. In this magical realm, each appliance had a personality of its own. The plate was a dapper gentleman, the glass a shimmering lady, and the bowl a jolly companion.

Emily learned that a mischievous culinary sorcerer had cast a spell, scattering the appliances across the land. To break the enchantment, Emily had to retrieve every missing item. She journeyed through forests of giant whisks, scaled mountains of spice grinders, and crossed rivers of egg beaters.

As Emily encountered each appliance, they joined her quest, forming a quirky and diverse team. The pot and pan were fearless warriors, while the kettle used its steamy powers to clear obstacles. The stove and oven provided warmth and strategy, and the microwave dazzled with its quick moves.

Finally, Emily reached the lair of the culinary sorcerer, who guarded the missing items. A fierce battle ensued, with the magical refrigerator freezing the sorcerer’s minions, and the powerful blender creating whirlwinds of ingredients. In the end, Emily triumphed, and the enchantment was broken.

As she returned to her kitchen, the appliances transformed back into their ordinary selves. The townsfolk marveled at Emily’s culinary prowess, unaware of the magical adventure behind her extraordinary banquet. The once-missing tools, from the humble coffee grinder to the elegant egg whisk, were now witnesses to a tale of courage, creativity, and culinary magic. The town never looked at their kitchenware the same way again, knowing that each piece had a story to tell from the mystical world beyond.

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