“Decalogue” refers to a set of ten principles or commandments that guide moral or ethical behavior. The term is most commonly associated with the Ten Commandments in the Bible, which are considered fundamental rules for moral conduct in Judeo-Christian traditions. In broader contexts, a decalogue can refer to any group of ten rules or guidelines, whether religious, philosophical, or secular. The word comes from the Greek “dekalogos,” which means “ten words.” The concept of a decalogue is often used to symbolize a foundational set of rules that form the basis of law, ethics, or belief systems.
Here are 10 sentences using the word “decalogue”:
- The Ten Commandments are considered the biblical decalogue for ethical behavior.
- In his book, the author proposed a modern decalogue for living a virtuous life.
- The decalogue of the company’s values emphasized integrity, transparency, and respect for others.
- Scholars often debate the interpretation and application of the biblical decalogue in contemporary society.
- The teacher handed out a decalogue for success in academic life, offering ten key tips.
- A decalogue of good practices was developed to ensure sustainability in the community.
- The decalogue of principles provided by the founders became the foundation of the new organization.
- In many cultures, a decalogue represents the most important rules that govern behavior.
- The decalogue in ancient times often included both religious commandments and societal laws.
- He followed the moral decalogue laid out in his faith, aiming to live a righteous life.
Synonyms for decalogue include:
Antonyms for decalogue include:
- Disorder
- Lawlessness
- Chaos
- Immorality
- Unprincipled behavior
Related words:
Phrasal verbs related to decalogue:
- “Follow through” (e.g., follow through with the principles of a decalogue)
- “Live by” (e.g., live by the decalogue of morality)
- “Abide by” (e.g., abide by the tenets of the decalogue)
Idiomatic expressions:
- “The letter of the law” (referring to strict adherence to a set of rules, akin to following a decalogue)
- “Moral compass” (guidance based on ethical principles similar to a decalogue)
- “Stick to the rules” (following a prescribed set of guidelines or a decalogue)
- “The golden rule” (a common moral guideline that can be seen as part of a decalogue)