

“Deceit” refers to the act of intentionally misleading or tricking someone through dishonesty or cunning. It involves the deliberate concealment or distortion of information with the aim of creating a false impression or gaining an unfair advantage.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The politician’s deceit became evident when his promises were exposed as empty rhetoric.
  2. She was hurt by the deceit of her closest friend, who had betrayed her trust.
  3. The elaborate scheme was built on a foundation of deceit, leading to the downfall of the criminal enterprise.
  4. His charming smile masked the deceit behind his words, revealing a hidden agenda.
  5. The scam artist’s deceit preyed upon the vulnerability of unsuspecting victims.
  6. The relationship crumbled under the weight of constant deceit and lies.
  7. Corporate fraud is often fueled by a culture of deceit within the organization.
  8. The courtroom drama unfolded as the layers of deceit were gradually uncovered during the trial.
  9. The novel’s plot was intricately woven with twists of deceit that kept readers on the edge of their seats.
  10. The web of deceit became increasingly complex as the protagonist tried to untangle the truth.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Duplicitous: licik
  • Fraudulent: curang
  • Deceptive: menyesatkan
  • Treacherous: berkhianat
  • Untruthful: tidak jujur
  • Misleading: menyesatkan
  • Cunning: cerdik
  • Dishonest: tidak jujur
  • Scheming: suka berkomplot
  • Two-faced: berwajah dua

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Honesty: kejujuran
  • Transparency: transparansi
  • Truthfulness: kebenaran
  • Integrity: integritas
  • Sincerity: ketulusan
  • Straightforwardness: keterus-terangan
  • Frankness: kejujuran
  • Openness: keterbukaan
  • Candor: kejujuran
  • Trustworthiness: kepercayaan

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Deceitful: penuh tipu muslihat
  • Deceitfully: dengan tipu daya
  • Deceitfulness: sifat penipuan
  • Deceiver: penipu
  • Deceptive practices: praktik penipuan
  • Deceitfully: dengan tipu daya
  • Deceited: diperdaya
  • Deceitless: tanpa tipu daya
  • Deceitlessness: ketiadaan tipu muslihat
  • Deceitfully: dengan tipu daya

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Betrayal: pengkhianatan
  • Fraud: penipuan
  • Subterfuge: tipu daya
  • Machination: rencana jahat
  • Trickery: tipu daya
  • Guile: kecerdikan
  • Cunningness: kecerdikan
  • Duplicity: kepura-puraan
  • Manipulation: manipulasi
  • Subterfuge: tipu daya

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Engage in deceit: terlibat dalam penipuan
  • Resort to deceit: menggunakan tipu daya
  • Uncover deceit: mengungkap penipuan
  • Fall for deceit: tertipu
  • See through deceit: melihat melalui tipu daya
  • Be ensnared by deceit: terperangkap oleh penipuan
  • Perpetrate deceit: melakukan penipuan
  • Discover deceit: menemukan penipuan
  • Unravel deceit: membongkar penipuan
  • Succumb to deceit: tunduk pada penipuan

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • To weave a web of deceit: menenun jaringan penipuan
  • To be caught in a web of deceit: terjebak dalam jaringan penipuan
  • To see through the veil of deceit: melihat melalui tirai penipuan
  • To unravel the threads of deceit: membongkar benang penipuan
  • To be entangled in deceit: terjerat dalam penipuan
  • To fall victim to deceit: menjadi korban penipuan
  • To expose the deceit: mengungkap penipuan
  • To confront the deceit: menghadapi penipuan
  • To be blinded by deceit: terbutakan oleh penipuan
  • To perpetrate a deceitful act: melakukan tindakan penipuan

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