“Denote” is a verb that refers to the act of indicating or representing a particular meaning or concept. It involves using a sign, symbol, word, or expression to convey a specific idea or to signify something. Denoting is a fundamental aspect of language and communication, allowing individuals to express thoughts, convey information, and convey the intended meaning of various symbols and signs.
Sample Sentences:
- The red traffic light denotes that drivers must come to a complete stop.
- In mathematical notation, the symbol ‘+’ is used to denote addition.
- The term “dove” is often used to denote peace in various cultures.
- The change in weather patterns may denote the onset of a new season.
- His raised eyebrows denoted surprise at the unexpected turn of events.
- The cross on the map denotes the location of the archaeological site.
- The use of certain colors in art can denote specific emotions or moods.
- A checkmark on the checklist denotes that a task has been completed.
- In linguistics, certain sounds may denote different meanings in distinct languages.
- The handshake can denote a gesture of agreement or goodwill in many cultures.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Indicate: Menunjukkan
- Represent: Mewakili
- Signify: Bermakna
- Symbolize: Melambangkan
- Convey: Mengungkapkan
- Express: Menyatakan
- Imply: Menyiratkan
- Designate: Menunjuk
- Specify: Menyebutkan
- Characterize: Mencirikan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Conceal: Menyembunyikan
- Hide: Menyembunyikan
- Obscure: Menyembunyikan
- Camouflage: Menyembunyikan
- Mislead: Menyesatkan
- Confuse: Membuat bingung
- Distort: Merusak
- Mask: Menyamarkan
- Blur: Memblurkan
- Veil: Menyembunyikan
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Denotation: Denotasi
- Denotative: Bersifat denotatif
- Denoted: Menunjukkan
- Denoter: Penunjuk
- Denotement: Penunjukan
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Meaning: Arti
- Symbol: Lambang
- Representation: Representasi
- Expression: Ungkapan
- Communication: Komunikasi
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Denote a change: Menunjukkan perubahan
- Denote an emotion: Menunjukkan emosi
- Denote significance: Menunjukkan kepentingan
- Denote a trend: Menunjukkan kecenderungan
- Denote a symbol: Menunjukkan lambang
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Denote a meaning: Menunjukkan arti
- Denote a message: Menunjukkan pesan
- Denote a concept: Menunjukkan konsep
- Denote a representation: Menunjukkan representasi
- Denote a sign: Menunjukkan tanda
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Read between the lines: Membaca di antara garis
- Actions speak louder than words: Tindakan lebih berbicara daripada kata-kata
- A picture is worth a thousand words: Satu gambar lebih berharga seribu kata
- Break the ice: Membuka pembicaraan dengan baik
- Play it by ear: Bertindak sesuai situasi