Deplore is a verb that signifies a strong expression of disapproval, regret, or sorrow over something considered morally objectionable, unfortunate, or distressing. It involves the vocal condemnation of an action, event, or situation.
Sample Sentences:
- The community deplored the acts of violence that disrupted the peaceful town.
- The teacher openly deplored the lack of respect and discipline among students.
- The nation’s leaders issued a statement to deplore the discriminatory practices.
- Environmentalists consistently deplore the ongoing deforestation and habitat loss.
- Citizens gathered to collectively deplore the rise in crime rates.
- The committee unanimously deplored the misuse of public funds.
- Parents and educators jointly deplored the prevalence of bullying in schools.
- The artist’s supporters deplored the censorship of their controversial artwork.
- The humanitarian organization worked tirelessly to deplore human rights violations.
- The international community came together to deplore acts of terrorism worldwide.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Condemn (Mengecam)
- Censure (Menyatakan kecaman)
- Disapprove (Tidak menyetujui)
- Denounce (Menyatakan kecaman)
- Criticize (Mengkritik)
- Abhor (Mengutuk)
- Reproach (Menyindir)
- Lament (Meratapi)
- Mourn (Berduka)
- Regret (Menyesal)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Approve (Menyetujui)
- Praise (Memuji)
- Applaud (Tepuk tangan)
- Commend (Memuji)
- Endorse (Mendukung)
- Support (Mendukung)
- Celebrate (Merayakan)
- Admire (Mengagumi)
- Applaud (Mengapresiasi)
- Endorse (Menyetujui)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Deplored (Mengecam)
- Deplores (Mengecam)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Disapproval (Ketidaksetujuan)
- Censure (Kritik keras)
- Grief (Duka)
- Sorrow (Kesedihan)
- Lamentation (Ratapan)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Deplore the state of affairs (Mengecam keadaan)
- Deplore the loss of values (Menyesalkan kehilangan nilai)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Deplore the actions of (Mengecam tindakan)
- Deplore the consequences of (Menyesalkan konsekuensi dari)
Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):
- “Deplore the decline of moral values.” (Menyesalkan penurunan nilai-nilai moral)
- “Deplore the state of the world.” (Menyesalkan keadaan dunia)