

Deplore is a verb that signifies a strong expression of disapproval, regret, or sorrow over something considered morally objectionable, unfortunate, or distressing. It involves the vocal condemnation of an action, event, or situation.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The community deplored the acts of violence that disrupted the peaceful town.
  2. The teacher openly deplored the lack of respect and discipline among students.
  3. The nation’s leaders issued a statement to deplore the discriminatory practices.
  4. Environmentalists consistently deplore the ongoing deforestation and habitat loss.
  5. Citizens gathered to collectively deplore the rise in crime rates.
  6. The committee unanimously deplored the misuse of public funds.
  7. Parents and educators jointly deplored the prevalence of bullying in schools.
  8. The artist’s supporters deplored the censorship of their controversial artwork.
  9. The humanitarian organization worked tirelessly to deplore human rights violations.
  10. The international community came together to deplore acts of terrorism worldwide.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Condemn (Mengecam)
  • Censure (Menyatakan kecaman)
  • Disapprove (Tidak menyetujui)
  • Denounce (Menyatakan kecaman)
  • Criticize (Mengkritik)
  • Abhor (Mengutuk)
  • Reproach (Menyindir)
  • Lament (Meratapi)
  • Mourn (Berduka)
  • Regret (Menyesal)

A World in Mourning: The Voices of Disapproval and Condemnation

In the face of injustice and moral failings, societies often find themselves compelled to condemn acts that violate ethical norms. To censure such behavior is not merely a formality but a necessary step to uphold the values that bind communities together. When actions fall short of these expectations, people are quick to disapprove, ensuring that the moral fabric remains intact.

To denounce is to publicly criticize and call out wrongdoings, shining a spotlight on actions that should never be tolerated. This vocal opposition is driven by a deep-seated abhorrence for the injustices perpetrated. The collective reproach serves as a reminder that certain behaviors will always be met with disfavor.

In moments of reflection, societies lament the loss of moral clarity. They mourn not just the consequences of unethical actions but also the erosion of trust and solidarity. Regret often follows, as the weight of past mistakes lingers, urging a reevaluation of values and principles.

Through condemnation and censure, societies strive to criticize constructively, not just to denounce but to foster change and accountability. The ability to abhor and reproach is not just a measure of disapproval but a call to action, ensuring that future generations uphold the standards set before them.


The Whispering Shadows of Regret

In the quiet, forgotten town of Eldergrove, a chilling tale unfolded, leaving its mark on the hearts of all who heard it. The story begins with a man named Alaric, a once-celebrated artist who now lived in isolation, consumed by the shadows of his past.

The townspeople would often condemn Alaric, whispering about the mysterious tragedy that led to his solitude. They would censure his artwork, claiming that it was a mockery of beauty, a reflection of his tainted soul. Alaric, aware of their disapproval, continued to paint, pouring his heart onto every canvas, each stroke a silent plea for understanding.

One stormy night, a group of villagers gathered at the local tavern. Fueled by tales and ale, they began to denounce Alaric, their voices rising in a chorus of criticism. “He is not one of us,” they said. “His presence brings only darkness.” Yet, among them was Clara, a young woman who could see beyond the abhorrence. She felt a pull towards the artist, a need to uncover the truth buried beneath the reproach.

Driven by curiosity and compassion, Clara visited Alaric’s cottage at the edge of the wood. There, she found him amidst his paintings, each one a testament to his hidden pain. He spoke of the past, of love lost and dreams shattered. His words were a lament, echoing through the room like a haunting melody.

As Clara listened, she began to mourn for the man who had been trapped in his own regrets. She saw the beauty in his art, the passion that still flickered within him despite the world’s harsh judgment. Her heart ached with a desire to help him find peace, to lift the weight of despair that had anchored him for so long.

Though Alaric’s story was one of tragedy, it became a cautionary tale for Eldergrove. The villagers, touched by Clara’s unwavering belief in redemption, slowly began to see the error of their ways. They regretted their hasty judgments and vowed to embrace understanding and compassion.

And so, the whispering shadows of regret began to fade, allowing a new light of hope and forgiveness to shine upon Eldergrove, forever altering the course of its history.


Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Approve (Menyetujui)
  • Praise (Memuji)
  • Applaud (Tepuk tangan)
  • Commend (Memuji)
  • Endorse (Mendukung)
  • Support (Mendukung)
  • Celebrate (Merayakan)
  • Admire (Mengagumi)
  • Applaud (Mengapresiasi)
  • Endorse (Menyetujui)

The Power of Positive Affirmation: Celebrating Achievements

In a world where negativity often steals the spotlight, it is essential to approve and recognize the efforts and achievements of those around us. When we praise and applaud someone’s hard work, it not only uplifts their spirits but also inspires others to strive for excellence.

To commend someone is to acknowledge their dedication and skill, offering a nod of approval that can have a lasting impact. When we endorse and support these individuals, we create a culture of encouragement and mutual respect. This act of recognition fosters a sense of community and belonging, where everyone’s contributions are valued.

We should take every opportunity to celebrate successes, big or small. These moments of celebration are not just about the achievements themselves, but about the journey and the effort that went into them. By admiring and applauding these milestones, we show that hard work and perseverance are worth it.

An endorsement goes beyond simple approval; it signifies trust and confidence in someone’s abilities. When we endorse someone, we are saying that we believe in their potential and are willing to stand by them.

Positive affirmation, whether through approval (menyetujui), praise, or an endorsement, has the power to transform lives. It encourages growth, fosters a positive environment, and builds strong, supportive communities. So let us make it a habit to recognize and celebrate the good in others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and progress.


Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Deplored (Mengecam)
  • Deplores (Mengecam)

The Echoes of Deploration: A Study in Disapproval

In the tapestry of human emotions, few are as poignant as the feeling of something being deeply deplored. This sense of profound disapproval resonates not only with the individual but often with the collective consciousness of a society.

When an action or event is deplored, it signifies more than just disappointment; it speaks to a shared sense of moral or ethical violation. These moments of collective deploration often serve as a catalyst for change, pushing communities to reevaluate their values and actions.

Consider a society that deplores environmental degradation. The deep-seated disapproval expressed by its members can lead to significant shifts in policy and behavior, fostering a more sustainable future. This collective condemnation is powerful, as it compels action and accountability.

Similarly, historical injustices that are deplored by later generations remind us that progress often stems from the recognition and rectification of past wrongs. The acknowledgment of these deplored acts serves as a foundation for building a more just and equitable society.

In both personal and societal contexts, the act of deploring is not merely about expressing discontent. It’s about recognizing the gravity of a situation and being moved to act against it. When individuals and communities deplore something, they are making a statement that certain actions are unacceptable and must be addressed.

Thus, the echoes of deploration are a powerful force for driving change and fostering a collective commitment to higher ethical standards.


Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Disapproval (Ketidaksetujuan)
  • Censure (Kritik keras)
  • Grief (Duka)
  • Sorrow (Kesedihan)
  • Lamentation (Ratapan)

Expressions of Disapproval: The Human Heart in Lamentation

In the realm of human emotions, few experiences are as deeply felt as disapproval. When we encounter actions or behaviors that starkly contrast with our values, we often react with a profound sense of censure. This disapproval can be a powerful motivator for change, driving individuals and societies to reflect and alter their course.

The emotional weight of disapproval is closely tied to feelings of grief and sorrow. When we are faced with circumstances that evoke strong disapproval, it often leads to a mourning of what could have been—a better decision, a more just action, a fairer outcome. These moments are marked by a deep lamentation, a vocal and emotional acknowledgment of the loss and disappointment felt.

Censure, as a formal expression of disapproval, serves to underscore the gravity of the situation. It is not merely a personal feeling but a collective stance that seeks to uphold moral and ethical standards. Through censure, communities reaffirm their commitment to these standards, ensuring that deviations are met with appropriate responses.

Grief and sorrow follow in the wake of disapproved actions, serving as emotional testimonies to the impacts of such actions. These feelings of loss and disappointment are not just personal but shared, creating a communal sense of mourning. Lamentation, in this context, becomes a powerful expression of this shared grief, a way for communities to come together and process their collective experiences.

In understanding these interconnected emotions, we see the profound impact of disapproval and censure on the human heart. They serve as catalysts for reflection and change, ensuring that the values we hold dear are continually upheld and respected.


Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Deplore the state of affairs (Mengecam keadaan)
  • Deplore the loss of values (Menyesalkan kehilangan nilai)

Deploring the Current State of Affairs: A Lament for Lost Values

In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing world, it is not uncommon to hear voices that deplore the state of affairs. This sentiment often arises from a profound sense of disappointment and concern over the direction in which society seems to be heading. Many individuals deplore the loss of values that once formed the cornerstone of our communities, values that have now become eroded by the relentless march of modernization and globalization.

The feeling of deploring the state of affairs is not merely a reaction to the surface-level changes we see around us. It stems from a deeper anxiety about the erosion of core principles such as integrity, empathy, and respect. As we witness the disintegration of these values, there is a collective sense of mourning for what has been lost and a growing urgency to reclaim them.

Those who deplore the loss of values often point to specific examples that highlight this decline. Instances of dishonesty in public office, the breakdown of familial bonds, and the diminishing regard for ethical behavior in business are all cited as evidence of a society that has lost its moral compass. This lamentation is not just about longing for the past, but about recognizing the urgent need for a moral renaissance.

Addressing the issues that deplore the state of affairs requires a concerted effort to reinforce the values that once held society together. This involves not only individual commitment but also collective action to promote integrity, empathy, and respect in all areas of life. It is a call to remember and revive the principles that can guide us toward a more just and compassionate world.

In conclusion, the widespread sentiment that deplores the loss of values is a powerful reminder of the importance of holding onto what is essential in our shared human experience. It is a clarion call to rebuild and strengthen the moral fabric of our communities, ensuring that future generations inherit a world where these cherished values are upheld and celebrated.


Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Deplore the actions of (Mengecam tindakan)
  • Deplore the consequences of (Menyesalkan konsekuensi dari)

The Duality of Deploration: Actions and Consequences

In the complex tapestry of human behavior, it is crucial to deplore the actions of those who violate moral and ethical standards. By addressing these actions, society sends a clear message that such behavior is unacceptable and must be rectified. Deploring the actions of individuals who engage in deceit, corruption, or cruelty ensures that these negative behaviors are highlighted and condemned.

However, it is equally important to deplore the consequences of such actions. When harmful behaviors occur, they often lead to a cascade of negative outcomes that affect not only the individuals directly involved but also the broader community. By deploring the consequences of these actions, we acknowledge the far-reaching impact they have on societal well-being and the fabric of our communities.

For instance, deploring the actions of a corrupt leader is essential to maintain integrity and trust in public office. At the same time, we must deplore the consequences of their corruption, such as the erosion of public trust, economic instability, and social unrest. Both the actions and their outcomes must be addressed to foster a culture of accountability and responsibility.

By focusing on both aspects—the actions and the consequences—we create a holistic approach to ethical conduct. This dual focus ensures that we not only prevent harmful behaviors but also mitigate their impacts, fostering a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, the act of deploring must encompass both the behaviors and their repercussions, promoting a comprehensive understanding of morality and ethics. This approach helps us build a world where integrity and responsibility are paramount.


Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):

  • “Deplore the decline of moral values.” (Menyesalkan penurunan nilai-nilai moral)
  • “Deplore the state of the world.” (Menyesalkan keadaan dunia)

A Cry for Integrity: Deploring the Decline of Moral Values and the State of the World

In today’s rapidly evolving society, there is a growing chorus of voices that deplore the decline of moral values. This sentiment arises from a profound concern that the ethical principles once held dear are now being eroded by modern temptations and complexities. The steadfastness of honesty, empathy, and respect that formed the bedrock of communities seems to be waning, replaced by a more self-centered and materialistic ethos.

To deplore the state of the world is to acknowledge the pressing issues that plague our global society. Environmental degradation, social inequality, and political unrest are just a few of the challenges that highlight a profound disconnection from the values that once guided our actions. This sense of disapproval is not about longing for an idyllic past but about recognizing the urgent need to address these global crises with renewed moral vigor.

The decline of moral values is often cited as a root cause of many societal problems. When individuals prioritize personal gain over collective well-being, the fabric of society begins to fray. Acts of corruption, exploitation, and injustice become more prevalent, leading to a cascade of negative consequences that affect everyone.

Moreover, as we deplore the state of the world, we must also consider the interconnectedness of these issues. Environmental destruction, for example, is not just a scientific problem but a moral one. It reflects our collective disregard for the planet and future generations. Similarly, social injustices stem from a lack of empathy and respect for the inherent dignity of every human being.

To reverse these troubling trends, a collective effort to restore and uphold moral values is essential. This involves not only individual actions but also systemic changes that promote integrity, compassion, and equity. By fostering a culture that values ethical behavior, we can begin to address the underlying causes of the problems that we deplore.

In conclusion, the act of deploring the decline of moral values and deploring the state of the world is a call to action. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges we face, we have the power to effect change and rebuild a society grounded in principles that uplift and sustain us all.

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