To “depreciate” is to decrease or diminish in value over time, whether it be regarding financial assets, physical properties, or abstract qualities. This term is commonly used in the context of economics and finance to describe the reduction of an asset’s value. However, it can also apply to the decline in worth, esteem, or importance of non-material entities. Depreciation may occur due to various factors such as wear and tear, obsolescence, or changes in market conditions.
Sample Sentences:
- The value of the car depreciated significantly after years of use.
- Economic downturns often lead to the depreciation of real estate values.
- Continuous technological advancements can cause electronic devices to depreciate quickly.
- The company decided to depreciate its outdated equipment to reflect its true value.
- The artist’s early works appreciated in value, while some later pieces depreciated.
- Inflation can contribute to the depreciation of a currency’s purchasing power.
- Over time, the antique furniture in the old house began to depreciate.
- Rapid changes in consumer preferences may depreciate the value of certain products.
- Failure to maintain a property can result in the accelerated depreciation of its value.
- Currency depreciation can impact international trade and economic stability.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Devalue: Menurunkan nilai
- Depreciate: Menurunkan nilai
- Diminish: Mengurangi
- Lower: Menurunkan
- Cheapen: Murah
- Devaluate: Merendahkan nilai
- Deteriorate: Merusak
- Shrink: Menyusut
- Undervalue: Meremehkan
- Write down: Menurunkan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Appreciate: Meningkat
- Enhance: Meningkatkan
- Increase: Meningkat
- Improve: Memperbaiki
- Rise: Meningkat
- Upgrade: Memperbarui
- Appreciation: Peningkatan nilai
- Build up: Membangun
- Gain: Mendapatkan
- Advance: Maju
Words Derived from it and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Depreciated: Terdepresiasi
- Depreciation: Depresiasi
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Loss: Kerugian
- Decline: Penurunan
- Deterioration: Kerusakan
- Erosion: Pengikisan
- Depletion: Penurunan
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Depreciate in value: Terdepresiasi
- Depreciate over time: Terdepresiasi seiring waktu
- Depreciate due to wear and tear: Terdepresiasi karena aus
- Depreciate in the market: Terdepresiasi di pasar
- Depreciate as a result of neglect: Terdepresiasi akibat kelalaian
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Rapid depreciation: Depresiasi cepat
- Asset depreciation: Depresiasi aset
- Currency depreciation: Depresiasi mata uang
- Economic depreciation: Depresiasi ekonomi
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- You get what you pay for: Anda mendapatkan apa yang Anda bayar
- A penny saved is a penny earned: Satu sen yang disimpan adalah satu sen yang diperoleh
- Cut one’s losses: Memotong kerugian
- Throw good money after bad: Membuang uang yang baik setelah yang buruk