
“To desert” is a verb that means to abandon or leave someone or something behind, often in a time of need or difficulty. It can refer to the act of forsaking a place, a cause, or a person without intention to return, indicating a betrayal or neglect of responsibilities.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The soldier decided to desert his post, leaving his comrades in a perilous situation.
  2. Don’t desert your friends when they need you the most.
  3. She felt the pain of being deserted by her closest confidant in times of crisis.
  4. Many animals suffer when their owners choose to desert them.
  5. The adventurer decided to desert the expedition due to unforeseen challenges.
  6. Employees should not desert their duties during crucial project phases.
  7. The town was gradually deserted as economic opportunities dwindled.
  8. It’s disheartening when loved ones desert us during challenging times.
  9. Parents should never desert their children, providing support and guidance.
  10. The decision to desert the sinking ship led to legal consequences for the captain.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Abandon (Meninggalkan)
  • Forsake (Meninggalkan)
  • Leave (Meninggalkan)
  • Betray (Mengkhianati)
  • Neglect (Mengabaikan)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Support (Mendukung)
  • Stay (Tinggal)
  • Remain (Tetap)

Words Derived (Kata Turunan):

  • Desertion (Peninggalan)
  • Deserter (Pengkhianat)
  • Deserted (Terlantar)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Abandonment (Pembiaran)
  • Betrayal (Pengkhianatan)
  • Neglect (Pengabaian)
  • Forsaking (Meninggalkan)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Desert a Friend (Meninggalkan seorang teman)
  • Desert Duty (Meninggalkan tugas)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • To desert ship (Meninggalkan kapal)
  • Deserting in the face of danger (Meninggalkan di hadapan bahaya)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • To leave someone in the lurch (Meninggalkan seseorang dalam kebingungan)
  • To leave high and dry (Meninggalkan tanpa bantuan)

A “desert” is a barren, arid region typically characterized by a lack of vegetation, scarce precipitation, and harsh environmental conditions. Deserts can be found across the globe, ranging from hot deserts with high temperatures to cold deserts with freezing climates.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The vast Sahara is the world’s largest hot desert.
  2. Many plants and animals in the desert have adapted to survive in extreme conditions.
  3. Travelers should carry sufficient water when venturing into the arid desert.
  4. The Arizona landscape is known for its picturesque but challenging desert terrain.
  5. Some cultures have thrived in deserts, mastering sustainable practices for survival.
  6. The camel is a well-adapted animal often associated with desert environments.
  7. Sand dunes are a common feature of many deserts, shaped by wind and time.
  8. Despite its harsh conditions, the Atacama Desert is home to unique flora and fauna.
  9. Desertification is a concerning environmental issue affecting many regions globally.
  10. Exploring the mysteries of the Martian desert is a key focus of space exploration.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Wasteland (Padang pasir)
  • Barren (Gersang)
  • Arid (Kering)
  • Dryland (Tanah kering)
  • Wilderness (Kawasan terlantar)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Oasis (Oasis)
  • Fertile (Subur)
  • Verdant (Hijau)

Words Derived (Kata Turunan):

  • Deserted (Terlantar)
  • Desertification (Pengerikan)
  • Deserter (Pengkhianat)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Drought (Kekeringan)
  • Aridity (Kekekeringan)
  • Sandstorm (Badai pasir)
  • Mirage (Miras)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Desert a Cause (Meninggalkan suatu tujuan)
  • Desert the Troops (Meninggalkan pasukan)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • To leave someone in the desert (Meninggalkan seseorang dalam kesulitan)
  • Like a desert in the rain (Seperti padang pasir di hujan)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • A voice in the desert (Suara yang tidak didengar)
  • A desert in a teacup (Hal kecil yang dibesar-besarkan)

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