Desolate refers to a state of emptiness, bleakness, or abandonment, often describing a place that is barren, deserted, and lacking in life or activity. It conveys a sense of isolation and desolation, where the surroundings appear bleak, lifeless, and forlorn.
Sample Sentences:
- The abandoned house stood in a desolate landscape, surrounded by overgrown weeds.
- The once bustling town now lay desolate after the economic downturn.
- The old castle, now in ruins, appeared eerie and desolate under the moonlight.
- The winter storm left the countryside looking stark and desolate.
- The long-forgotten graveyard felt hauntingly desolate in the pale moonlight.
- The war-torn cityscape looked utterly desolate as survivors searched for refuge.
- The desolate beach stretched for miles, with no signs of human presence.
- Abandoned factories and warehouses created a desolate industrial wasteland.
- The aftermath of the disaster left the once vibrant neighborhood eerily desolate.
- As night fell, the desolate wilderness echoed with the howls of distant wolves.
- Abandoned: Terlantar
- Barren: tandus
- Empty: kosong
- Forsaken: ditinggalkan
- Bleak: suram
- Solitary: sepi
- Isolated: terpencil
- Deserted: terabaikan
- Vacant: kosong
- Lifeless: tanpa kehidupan
- Populated: berpenduduk
- Thriving: berkembang
- Lively: hidup
- Inhabited: dihuni
- Active: aktif
- Bustling: ramai
- Vibrant: bersemangat
- Crowded: ramai
- Flourishing: berkembang
- Animated: bersemangat
Derived Words:
- Desolation: kehampaan
- Desolately: dengan kesendirian
- Desolateness: kehampaan
- Desolating: menyedihkan
Related Words:
- Solitude: kesendirian
- Emptiness: kekosongan
- Isolation: isolasi
- Abandonment: pengabaian
- Ruin: reruntuhan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Desolate from: ditinggalkan oleh
- Desolate of: terlantar tanpa
- Desolate by: ditinggalkan oleh
- Desolate with: terabaikan dengan
Common Expressions:
- Feel desolate: merasa sepi
- Look desolate: terlihat sepi
- Seem desolate: tampak sepi
- Leave something desolate: meninggalkan sesuatu yang sepi
Related Idioms:
- A desolate wasteland: padang pasir yang sepi
- To make a place desolate: membuat suatu tempat sepi
- Desolate and deserted: sepi dan terabaikan
- Desolate as a ghost town: sepi seperti kota hantu