

“Desperado” is a noun that refers to a reckless and dangerous criminal or outlaw, often associated with violence and lawlessness. The term has its roots in Spanish, where “desesperado” means “desperate” or “without hope.” A desperado is someone who is desperate enough to resort to extreme and illegal actions, such as robbery, murder, or other acts of violence, typically driven by a sense of hopelessness or desperation. Desperados are often depicted in literature, movies, and folklore as romanticized figures who live outside the bounds of society and the law.

In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “desperado” is “penjahat berbahaya” or “penjahat tanpa ampun.”

Sample sentences using “desperado”:

  1. The town sheriff led a posse to capture the desperado who had been terrorizing the region.
  2. The outlaw was known as a desperado, feared for his ruthless tactics.
  3. He acted like a desperado, robbing banks and evading the authorities at every turn.
  4. The desperado’s crimes had left a trail of destruction and fear in their wake.
  5. The legend of the desperado became a popular topic in books and movies.
  6. The law enforcement officers were on high alert, as the desperado was rumored to be in the area.
  7. The desperado’s gang was known for their daring heists and escape skills.
  8. The desperado’s capture was celebrated as a victory for justice and the rule of law.
  9. The sheriff pursued the desperado relentlessly, determined to bring him to justice.
  10. The desperado’s life of crime eventually caught up with him, leading to his downfall.

Lists of related words: Synonyms:

  • Outlaw
  • Bandit
  • Criminal
  • Rogue
  • Lawbreaker


  • Law-abiding citizen
  • Upright individual

Related words:

  • Desperadoes
  • Desperado life
  • Desperado gang
  • Desperado activity
  • Desperado legend

Phrasal verbs:

  • Capture a desperado
  • Pursue a desperado
  • Become a desperado
  • Deal with a desperado


  • The consequences of living as a desperado
  • The dangers of following the path of a desperado
  • The allure of the desperado lifestyle
  • Navigating encounters with desperados
  • The impact of desperados on communities

Conclusion: “Desperado” is a noun used to describe a dangerous and reckless criminal or outlaw, often associated with violent and lawless behavior. In Indonesian, it is translated as “penjahat berbahaya” or “penjahat tanpa ampun.” Understanding the concept of desperados sheds light on the factors that may lead individuals to resort to extreme measures outside the boundaries of society and the law. It also highlights the importance of law enforcement efforts in pursuing and bringing desperados to justice to protect the safety and well-being of communities. While media may sometimes romanticize these figures, it is essential to remember the real-life consequences of criminal actions and to work towards promoting a safer and more just society. Encouraging opportunities for social support, education, and economic opportunities can help address the underlying issues that may lead individuals to engage in criminal activities, offering alternatives to a life of desperation and lawlessness.

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