
A despotic grip, cold and absolute, chokes the life out of freedom. It’s a rule carved in iron, wielded by a ruler who feasts absolute power and despises dissent. Under the despotic shadow, voices wither, hope crumbles, and lives become marionettes dancing to the tune of a tyrant’s whims. It’s a suffocating darkness where whispers of oppression curdle into screams.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The despotic emperor ruled with an iron fist, his subjects living in constant fear. (Tiran)
  2. The despotic laws silenced dissent, turning the once-vibrant city into a graveyard of silenced voices. (Otoriter)
  3. The corporation’s despotic policies exploited its workers, squeezing every drop of profit from their sweat and tears. (Eksploitatif)
  4. The teacher’s despotic methods stifled creativity, transforming the classroom into a prison of conformity. (Menindas)
  5. The once-joyful festival was marred by the despotic ruler’s oppressive tactics, morphing celebration into a chilling display of control. (Menindas)
  6. The hero’s defiance sparked a rebellion against the despotic empire, a desperate fight for a dawn painted in the colors of freedom. (Tirani)
  7. The artist’s work, a searing indictment of despotic power, gave voice to the oppressed and ignited a fire of defiance in their hearts. (Kediktatoran)
  8. The scars of despotic rule ran deep, etched on the land and the souls of its people, a grim reminder of the darkness that can consume. (Penindasan)
  9. The fragile peace treaty brought a bittersweet end to the despotic reign, leaving behind a nation scarred but hopeful for a brighter future. (Otoriter)
  10. Even the whispers of despotic ambition sent shivers down the spines of those who had tasted the bitter fruit of oppression. (Tirani)


  • Tyrannical (Tiran)
  • Authoritarian (Otoriter)
  • Oppressive (Menindas)
  • Cruel (Kejam)
  • Ruthless (Kejam)
  • Totalitarian (Totaliter)
  • Domineering (Mendominasi)
  • Arbitrary (Semaunya sendiri)
  • Dictatorial (Lalim)
  • Draconian (Kejam)


  • Democratic (Demokratis)
  • Just (Adil)
  • Benevolent (Baik hati)
  • Compassionate (Penuh kasih sayang)
  • Merciful (Penyayang)
  • Egalitarian (Setara)
  • Liberal (Liberal)
  • Fair (Adil)
  • Equitable (Setara)
  • Transparent (Transparan)

Words Derived:

  • Despotism (Tirani)
  • Despot (Tiran)

Related Words:

  • Oppression (Penindasan)
  • Injustice (Ketidakadilan)
  • Abuse of power (Penyalahgunaan kekuasaan)
  • Corruption (Korupsi)
  • Censorship (Sensor)
  • Revolution (Revolusi)
  • Resistance (Perlawanan)
  • Freedom (Kebebasan)
  • Hope (Harapan)
  • Liberation (Pembebasan)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Rule with an iron fist (Memerintah dengan kejam)
  • Crack down on dissent (Menindaklanjuti perbedaan pendapat)
  • Stifle expression (Menekan ekspresi)
  • Exploit the powerless (Memanfaatkan yang lemah)
  • Abuse authority (Menyalahgunakan kekuasaan)

Common Expressions:

  • The yoke of despotism (Cengkeraman tirani)
  • A reign of terror (Pemerintahan yang penuh ketakutan)
  • Speak truth to power (Mengungkit kebenaran kepada yang berkuasa)
  • Fight for freedom (Berjuang untuk kebebasan)
  • Remember the fallen (Mengingat mereka yang telah meninggal)
  • Never again (Jangan pernah terulang lagi)

Related Idioms:

  • With an iron fist (Dengan kejam)
  • Hold someone’s strings (Mengontrol seseorang)
  • Lords of the manor
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