

“Dick” is a slang term often used informally to refer to a male person, especially in some English-speaking regions. It can be considered rude or offensive depending on the context and the relationship between the speaker and the subject. Additionally, “dick” is also used as a vulgar term for the male genitalia. Given its potentially offensive nature, it is essential to exercise caution and sensitivity when using this term.

In Indonesian, the equivalent slang term for “dick” is “kontol.”

10 Sample Sentences using “dick”:

  1. He’s a nice guy, but sometimes he can be a bit of a dick.
  2. I can’t believe he said that; what a total dick move!
  3. The comedian’s jokes often revolve around crude humor and references to body parts like “dick.”
  4. She was offended when someone made a crude comment about her being a “dick magnet.”
  5. He acted like a dick to his friends when he was in a bad mood.
  6. The character in the movie was portrayed as a tough guy with a heart of a dick.
  7. They lost the game because their captain was being a dick and refused to cooperate with the team.
  8. The teacher reprimanded the student for using offensive language, including the term “dick.”
  9. She felt uncomfortable when her coworker made inappropriate jokes involving “dick” during lunch.
  10. The online forum had strict rules against using offensive language, including the use of the term “dick.”

Lists of Synonyms:

  • Jerking: Menggelengkan kepala, menggerakkan kepala ke samping
  • Idiot: Bodoh, dungu, tolol
  • Prick: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh
  • Asshole: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh
  • Jackass: Keledai, orang dungu, orang tolol
  • Tool: Alat, perkakas, benda
  • Douchebag: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh
  • Knucklehead: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh
  • Bonehead: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh
  • Schmuck: Orang dungu, orang tolol, orang bodoh

List of Antonyms:

  • Nice person: Orang baik, orang menyenangkan
  • Gentleman: Pria sopan, pria beradab
  • Decent individual: Individu yang baik, individu yang sopan
  • Respectful person: Orang yang menghormati, orang yang menghargai
  • Polite person: Orang yang sopan, orang yang beradab
  • Kind person: Orang yang baik hati, orang yang ramah
  • Considerate person: Orang yang memperhatikan, orang yang peduli
  • Well-mannered person: Orang yang berperilaku baik, orang yang beradab
  • Courteous person: Orang yang sopan, orang yang beradab
  • Benevolent person: Orang yang murah hati, orang yang dermawan

List of Related Words:

  • Dickish: Bersikap seperti orang dungu, bersikap seperti orang tolol
  • Dickhead: Orang dungu, orang tolol
  • Dickery: Perilaku dungu, perilaku tolol
  • Dickishness: Sifat dungu, sifat tolol
  • Dickishly: Dengan sikap dungu, dengan sikap tolol
  • Dickhood: Sifat dungu, sifat tolol
  • Dickish attitude: Sikap dungu, sikap tolol
  • Dickish behavior: Perilaku dungu, perilaku tolol
  • Dickish remark: Komentar dungu, komentar tolol

List of Phrasal Verbs:

  • Dick around: Menghabiskan waktu dengan sia-sia, menganggur
  • Dick off: Menghabiskan waktu dengan sia-sia, menganggur
  • Dick up: Merusak, mengacaukan
  • Dick out: Menunjukkan, memperlihatkan
  • Dick with: Mengganggu, mengacaukan
  • Dick over: Menipu, mengkhianati
  • Dick down: Menindas, menekan
  • Dick through: Menyelesaikan, menuntaskan
  • Dick in: Memasukkan, menyelipkan
  • Dick out of: Mencuri, mengambil secara tidak sah

List of Idioms:

  • Dick someone over: Menipu seseorang, mengkhianati seseorang
  • Get one’s dick caught in a wringer: Terjebak dalam masalah, terjebak dalam situasi sulit
  • Dick in a pickle: Terjebak dalam masalah, terjebak dalam situasi sulit
  • One’s dick on the line: Berada dalam bahaya, berada dalam risiko
  • Keep a stiff dick upper lip: Tetap tabah, tetap tegar
  • Dick out of the woodpile: Terungkapnya rahasia, terbongkarnya sesuatu yang disembunyikan
  • Dick out of luck: Tidak beruntung, sial
  • Dick out of one’s element: Tidak nyaman, tidak terbiasa
  • Dick one’s own grave: Membuat kesalahan besar, membuat keputusan buruk
  • Jump the gun with one’s dick: Terburu-buru, tergesa-gesa


In conclusion, “dick” is an informal and potentially offensive slang term used to refer to a male person. It can also be a vulgar term for the male genitalia. In Indonesian, the equivalent slang term for “dick” is “kontol.” Due to its potential to be rude or offensive, it is essential to exercise caution and respect when using this term, especially in formal or professional settings. Understanding the synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms associated with “dick” provides insight into the range of emotions and sentiments expressed when using this slang. As with any slang or informal language, it is crucial to be mindful of the context and the appropriateness of using such terms to ensure respectful communication with others.

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