
Disgruntled is an adjective used to describe someone who is dissatisfied, discontented, or unhappy due to feelings of displeasure or resentment. Disgruntled individuals often harbor grievances or complaints, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction with a situation, person, or circumstance. This term reflects a state of discontent that can manifest as frustration, annoyance, or general dissatisfaction.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The employees became disgruntled when their requests for a salary increase were consistently ignored.
  2. Despite the initial excitement, the customers became disgruntled when they experienced multiple issues with the product.
  3. The team’s poor performance left the coach feeling disgruntled with their lack of effort.
  4. The long wait and poor service at the restaurant left the customers disgruntled.
  5. The constant delays and changes in the project timeline made the team members increasingly disgruntled.
  6. The disgruntled passengers voiced their complaints about the airline’s inadequate customer service.
  7. After the unkept promises, the investors grew disgruntled with the company’s management.
  8. The lack of communication from the management left employees feeling disgruntled and undervalued.
  9. The disgruntled client decided to terminate the contract due to repeated delivery issues.
  10. The unexpected policy changes left many stakeholders disgruntled with the company’s decision-making.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Dissatisfied (Tidak puas)
  • Unhappy (Tidak bahagia)
  • Displeased (Tidak senang)
  • Uncontent (Tidak puas)
  • Unsettled (Tidak puas hati)
  • Upset (Marah)
  • Irritated (Merasa terganggu)
  • Frustrated (Frustrasi)
  • Aggrieved (Merasa dirugikan)
  • Grumpy (Cemberut)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Satisfied (Puas)
  • Content (Puas)
  • Pleased (Senang)
  • Happy (Bahagia)
  • Delighted (Senang hati)
  • Gratified (Merasa puas)
  • Contented (Puas hati)

Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Disgruntlement (Perasaan tidak puas)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Dissatisfaction (Ketidakpuasan)
  • Grievance (Keluhan)
  • Complaint (Keluhan)
  • Resentment (Rasa tidak puas hati)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):

  • Settle into (Menerima atau berdamai dengan)
  • Put up with (Menerima atau bertahan dengan)
  • Grin and bear it (Tahan dengan senyuman palsu)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Disgruntled employee (Karyawan tidak puas)
  • Disgruntled customer (Pelanggan tidak puas)
  • Disgruntled reaction (Reaksi tidak puas)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • “Grin and bear it” (Menahan dengan senyuman palsu)
  • “Cry over spilled milk” (Menyesali hal yang sudah terjadi)

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