Disgruntled is an adjective used to describe someone who is dissatisfied, discontented, or unhappy due to feelings of displeasure or resentment. Disgruntled individuals often harbor grievances or complaints, leading to a sense of dissatisfaction with a situation, person, or circumstance. This term reflects a state of discontent that can manifest as frustration, annoyance, or general dissatisfaction.
Sample Sentences:
- The employees became disgruntled when their requests for a salary increase were consistently ignored.
- Despite the initial excitement, the customers became disgruntled when they experienced multiple issues with the product.
- The team’s poor performance left the coach feeling disgruntled with their lack of effort.
- The long wait and poor service at the restaurant left the customers disgruntled.
- The constant delays and changes in the project timeline made the team members increasingly disgruntled.
- The disgruntled passengers voiced their complaints about the airline’s inadequate customer service.
- After the unkept promises, the investors grew disgruntled with the company’s management.
- The lack of communication from the management left employees feeling disgruntled and undervalued.
- The disgruntled client decided to terminate the contract due to repeated delivery issues.
- The unexpected policy changes left many stakeholders disgruntled with the company’s decision-making.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Dissatisfied (Tidak puas)
- Unhappy (Tidak bahagia)
- Displeased (Tidak senang)
- Uncontent (Tidak puas)
- Unsettled (Tidak puas hati)
- Upset (Marah)
- Irritated (Merasa terganggu)
- Frustrated (Frustrasi)
- Aggrieved (Merasa dirugikan)
- Grumpy (Cemberut)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Satisfied (Puas)
- Content (Puas)
- Pleased (Senang)
- Happy (Bahagia)
- Delighted (Senang hati)
- Gratified (Merasa puas)
- Contented (Puas hati)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Disgruntlement (Perasaan tidak puas)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Dissatisfaction (Ketidakpuasan)
- Grievance (Keluhan)
- Complaint (Keluhan)
- Resentment (Rasa tidak puas hati)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):
- Settle into (Menerima atau berdamai dengan)
- Put up with (Menerima atau bertahan dengan)
- Grin and bear it (Tahan dengan senyuman palsu)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Disgruntled employee (Karyawan tidak puas)
- Disgruntled customer (Pelanggan tidak puas)
- Disgruntled reaction (Reaksi tidak puas)
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- “Grin and bear it” (Menahan dengan senyuman palsu)
- “Cry over spilled milk” (Menyesali hal yang sudah terjadi)