Dooley’s Mission

Dooley’s Mission

Aboard the refugee ship, Dooley’s destiny took shape. He became painfully cognizant of the malnutrition, disease, ignorance, and fear that afflicted the natives. In addition, he discerned how active the communist had been in spreading their anti-American propaganda. Tom Dooley pitched in to build shelters in Haiphong and to comfort the poor Vietnamese there before that besieged city fell to the powerful Viet Minh forces. He was seemingly unconcerned by the many privations he had to endure. For his services, Dooley received the U.S. Navy’s Legion of Merit. He told the story of this exciting experience in DELIVER US FROM EVIL. This best-seller altered America to the plight of the Vietnamese and the sinister menace of Communism.

  • Aboard: di atas kapal, di dalam kendaraan
  • Aboard the refugee ship: di atas kapal pengungsi
  • Took shape: mulai terbentuk, mulai berkembang
  • Painfully: dengan menyakitkan, dengan susah payah
  • Cognizant: sadar, menyadari
  • Malnutrition: kekurangan gizi, malnutrisi
  • Disease: penyakit, gangguan kesehatan
  • Ignorance: ketidaktahuan, kebodohan
  • Fear: ketakutan, rasa takut
  • Afflicted: menderita, terserang penyakit
  • The natives: penduduk asli, orang-orang pribumi
  • Discern: membedakan, mengetahui
  • Pitch in: membantu, turut serta
  • Shelters: tempat perlindungan, tempat berteduh
  • Besieged: dikepung, diserang
  • Unconcerned: tidak peduli, acuh tak acuh
  • Privations: kekurangan, kekurangan bahan makanan atau sandang
  • Endure: bertahan, mampu bertahan dalam situasi yang sulit
  • Merit: kebaikan, keutamaan
  • Plight: kesulitan, penderitaan
  • Sinister: jahat, berbahaya
  • Menace: ancaman, bahaya

On board, the refugee ship, Tom Dooley’s fate was sealed as he became acutely aware of the suffering and challenges faced by the passengers. The realities of malnutrition, illness, ignorance, and fear were impossible to ignore, and he also witnessed first-hand the impact of communist propaganda. Undeterred by the hardships, Dooley dedicated himself to helping the less fortunate in Haiphong, lending a hand in building shelters and providing comfort to the poverty-stricken residents before the powerful Viet Minh ultimately overtook the city. His unwavering commitment earned him the U.S Navy’s Legion of Merit, and he shared his experiences in his bestselling book, “Deliver Us from Evil.” This eye-opening account shed light on the plight of the Vietnamese people and the dangers of Communism, captivating the hearts and minds of the American public.

  • On board: di atas kapal, di dalam pesawat
  • Sealed: tersegel, tertutup rapat
  • Acutely: sangat, dengan tajam
  • Malnutrition: kekurangan gizi, malnutrisi
  • Undeterred: tidak tergoyahkan, tidak mundur
  • Hardship: kesulitan, penderitaan
  • Lending a hand: memberikan bantuan, membantu
  • Overtook: mengejar, melampaui
  • Unwavering: teguh, tidak goyah
  • Eye-opening account: laporan yang membuka mata, laporan yang memberikan wawasan baru
  • Shed light on the plight of: memberikan pencerahan tentang kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh
  • Captivating: memikat hati, menarik perhatian
  • The hearts and minds: hati dan pikiran, perasaan dan pikiran

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