
A “draughtsman” is a professional skilled in creating detailed technical drawings, plans, or diagrams, typically in the fields of engineering, architecture, or design. Draughtsmen use precision and accuracy to illustrate concepts and plans for construction, manufacturing, or other technical purposes.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The draughtsman meticulously drafted the architectural plans for the new building.
  2. The engineering team relied on the expertise of the draughtsman to create detailed schematics for the machinery.
  3. The skilled draughtsman produced accurate and comprehensive diagrams for the bridge construction project.
  4. The company hired a specialized draughtsman to design the layout of the production facility.
  5. The draughtsman utilized advanced software to enhance the precision of the technical drawings.
  6. As a talented draughtsman, he was responsible for translating complex ideas into visual representations.
  7. The mechanical engineer collaborated closely with the draughtsman to refine the designs for the new engine.
  8. The draughtsman played a crucial role in creating the blueprints for the city’s infrastructure development.
  9. Precision and attention to detail are essential qualities for a skilled draughtsman.
  10. The architectural firm sought a highly experienced draughtsman to join their design team.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Draftsperson (Penyusun sketsa)
  • Designer (Perancang)
  • Illustrator (Ilustrator)
  • Architectural Artist (Seniman arsitektur)
  • Cartographer (Kartografer)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Incompetent (Tidak kompeten)
  • Unskilled (Tidak terampil)
  • Amateur (Amatir)

Words Derived (Kata Turunan):

  • Draughtsmanship (Ketrampilan dalam penyusunan sketsa)
  • Draughtsmen (Para penulis sketsa)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Blueprint (Rancangan)
  • Technical Drawing (Gambar teknis)
  • Diagram (Diagram)
  • Schematic (Skematik)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Draw up plans (Menggambar rencana)
  • Lay out diagrams (Menyusun diagram)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • To put pen to paper (Mulai membuat sketsa atau rencana)
  • To sketch out ideas (Menggaris besar ide-ide)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • To draw a line in the sand (Menentukan batas atau batas moral)
  • To cross one’s T’s and dot one’s I’s (Melakukan sesuatu dengan cermat dan teliti)

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