
The term dread refers to a deep and intense feeling of fear, anxiety, or apprehension, often accompanied by a sense of impending doom or discomfort. It is an emotional state characterized by a strong aversion or reluctance towards something anticipated as unpleasant or threatening.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The ominous shadows in the abandoned mansion filled her with a sense of dread.
  2. As the storm clouds gathered on the horizon, a feeling of dread settled over the coastal town.
  3. Walking through the dimly lit alley at night, he couldn’t shake off the overwhelming sense of dread.
  4. The eerie silence that followed the unexpected noise invoked a deep sense of dread.
  5. The letter from the government brought a wave of dread as they anticipated bad news.
  6. The unknown path through the dense forest filled the hikers with a sense of dread.
  7. The sudden drop in temperature and eerie silence created a feeling of dread among the campers.
  8. The mere mention of the haunted house instilled a sense of dread in the children.
  9. Waiting for the test results, she felt a growing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach.
  10. The dark figure in the alleyway cast a shadow of dread over the unsuspecting pedestrian.


  • Fear: ketakutan
  • Anxiety: kegelisahan
  • Apprehension: kecemasan
  • Trepidation: kegelisahan
  • Terror: teror
  • Unease: ketidaknyamanan
  • Alarm: kengerian
  • Horror: kengerian
  • Panic: panik
  • Intimidation: intimidasi


  • Confidence: kepercayaan diri
  • Assurance: keyakinan
  • Calm: tenang
  • Comfort: kenyamanan
  • Reassurance: jaminan
  • Security: keamanan
  • Serenity: ketenangan
  • Ease: kemudahan
  • Bravery: keberanian
  • Fearlessness: ketidakpedulian

Derived Words:

  • Dreadful: mengerikan
  • Dreadfully: dengan mengerikan
  • Dreadfulness: kengerian

Related Words:

  • Anxiety: kecemasan
  • Disquiet: kegelisahan
  • Foreboding: firasat buruk
  • Alarm: kengerian
  • Phobia: fobia

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Dread to think: tak berani membayangkan
  • Dread the worst: takut yang terburuk
  • Dread for: takut untuk

Common Expressions:

  • A sense of dread: perasaan takut
  • Fill with dread: penuh dengan rasa takut

Related Idioms:

  • Jump out of one’s skin: melompat ketakutan
  • Have a sinking feeling: merasa pesimis atau cemas

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