The chimpanzees are deemed by scientists to be the closest to the man of all living apes; consequently, they are fairly easy to train. Several years ago, two married researchers embarked on an interesting project: they reared and trained a chimp in almost the same manner as they would have raised a child. The animal did beautifully, convincing a couple of the inherent abilities of the chimpanzee. Cinema buffs who have seen Tarzan’s clever monkey romp through the jungle also recognize the latent intelligence of those animals.
- Deemed: Dianggap
- Fairly: Cukup
- Embarked on: Memulai
- Reared: Memelihara
- Convincing: Meyakinkan
- A couple of: Beberapa
- Inherent: Melekat
- Buffs: Penggemar
- Romp: Bermain-main
- Latent: Tersembunyi
Words in Use