The term echelon refers to a level or rank in an organization, system, or hierarchy, often indicating a specific tier of authority or responsibility. It is commonly used in military contexts to describe different ranks or units, but it can also apply to corporate structures, social classes, and other organized systems. The concept of echelon emphasizes the stratification within a group, where individuals or units operate at varying levels of influence and power. Understanding the different echelons within an organization can help clarify roles, responsibilities, and the flow of communication. Synonyms for “echelon” include level, rank, tier, grade, stratum, layer, class, division, category, and position. Each of these synonyms highlights different aspects of hierarchical organization and classification.
Sentences Using “Echelon”
- She worked her way up to the upper echelon of the company through hard work and dedication.
- The military operates with a clear echelon structure, ensuring effective command and control.
- Different echelons of management have distinct responsibilities and decision-making powers.
- The report was intended for the highest echelon of the organization, requiring confidentiality.
- In many societies, social mobility allows individuals to move between different echelons.
- The conference brought together experts from various echelons of the industry to share insights.
- Understanding the echelon of authority is crucial for effective communication within the organization.
- The echelon of the team members varied, with some being seasoned veterans and others new recruits.
- He was promoted to a higher echelon, which came with increased responsibilities and challenges.
- The study examined how decisions made at the top echelon impact the entire organization.
This exploration of the term “echelon” highlights its significance in discussions about hierarchy and organization, emphasizing its applications in various contexts, including military, corporate, and social structures.
- Level
- Rank
- Tier
- Hierarchy
- Unstructured
- Equality
- Flat organization
Related Words:
- Position
- Grade
- Authority
- Responsibility
Phrasal Verbs:
- Move up the echelons
- Streamline communication across echelons
- Climbing the corporate ladder
- From top to bottom
In conclusion, “echelon” conveys the notion of structured levels within an organization or system. The Indonesian term “tingkatan” aligns with this concept of hierarchical arrangement. Through the provided sample sentences, synonyms, antonyms, related words, phrasal verbs, and idioms, we’ve explored the dynamics of this term. “Echelon” emphasizes the role of organization and hierarchy in various domains, underscoring the importance of effective communication, collaboration, and clear responsibilities across different levels. It highlights the potential for growth and advancement as individuals progress through the echelons, while also pointing to the significance of maintaining cohesion and coordination within the overall structure.