Emerged is a verb that signifies the act of coming forth, appearing, or becoming visible, often from a concealed or obscured state. It implies the process of something becoming known, recognized, or established, suggesting a noticeable presence or manifestation.
Sample Sentences:
- The artist’s talent emerged gradually as they explored different styles.
- The sun emerged from behind the clouds, bathing the landscape in warmth.
- As the mist cleared, the majestic mountain range emerged on the horizon.
- The truth about the mysterious event slowly emerged through detailed investigations.
- Over time, the leader’s vision and goals emerged, guiding the organization forward.
- The butterfly emerged from its cocoon, showcasing its vibrant wings.
- Through hard work and dedication, the athlete emerged as a champion in their sport.
- As the team collaborated, innovative ideas emerged for the project.
- The author’s unique writing style emerged in their latest novel.
- In the aftermath of the crisis, stories of resilience and heroism emerged from the community.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Arise (Muncul)
- Surface (Muncul)
- Appear (Muncul)
- Materialize (Muncul)
- Manifest (Menunjukkan)
- Emerge (Muncul)
- Develop (Berkembang)
- Evolve (Berkembang)
- Unfold (Terungkap)
- Present (Menyajikan)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Disappear (Hilang)
- Vanish (Lenyap)
- Conceal (Menyembunyikan)
- Retreat (Mundur)
- Withdraw (Mundur)
- Dissolve (Bubarkan)
- Fade (Pudar)
- Submerge (Merendam)
- Hide (Menyembunyikan)
- Obfuscate (Mengaburkan)
Derived Words (Kata Turunan):
- Emergence (Kemunculan)
- Emergent (Muncul)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Presence (Kehadiran)
- Appearance (Penampilan)
- Unveiling (Pembukaan)
- Revelation (Penyingkapan)
- Unmasking (Pembongkaran)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Emerge from (Muncul dari)
- Emerge as (Muncul sebagai)
- Emerge out of (Muncul dari)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Emerge victorious (Muncul sebagai pemenang)
- Emerge unscathed (Muncul tanpa luka)
Related Idioms (Peribahasa Terkait):
- “Emerge from the shadows.” (Muncul dari bayangan)
- “Emerge like a phoenix from the ashes.” (Muncul seperti burung phoenix dari abu)