

An “enclave” refers to a distinct territorial or cultural area that is entirely or partially enclosed within the boundaries of another region. Enclaves are typically characterized by their unique identity, often differing in terms of culture, ethnicity, or political affiliation from the surrounding areas.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The neighborhood is considered a cultural enclave with a strong sense of community identity.
  2. The embassy functions as a diplomatic enclave within the host country.
  3. The ethnic enclave retained its traditions and customs despite being located in a diverse city.
  4. The university campus serves as an academic enclave within the urban landscape.
  5. The historic district acts as a preserved enclave, showcasing architectural heritage.
  6. The artist colony formed a creative enclave where individuals could collaborate and inspire each other.
  7. The religious enclave thrives as a center for worship and communal activities.
  8. The gated community functions as a residential enclave with exclusive amenities.
  9. The immigrant enclave played a significant role in preserving cultural heritage.
  10. The military base operates as a secure enclave, restricting public access.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Precinct: Kawasan
  • Quarter: Kawasan
  • Sector: Sektor
  • Zone: Zona
  • District: Distrik
  • Territory: Wilayah
  • Neighborhood: Lingkungan
  • Precinct: Kawasan
  • Colony: Koloni
  • Domain: Domain

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Mainland: Daratan utama
  • Outskirts: Pinggiran kota
  • Exterior: Bagian luar
  • Open territory: Wilayah terbuka
  • Open space: Ruang terbuka
  • Unrestricted area: Area yang tidak terbatas
  • Unfenced area: Area yang tidak terpagar
  • Unenclosed region: Daerah yang tidak terkandang
  • Unbounded territory: Wilayah yang tidak terbatas
  • Non-isolated area: Area yang tidak terisolasi

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Enclaved: Terkandang

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Exclave: Kawasan yang terpisah
  • Satellite: Satelit
  • Subsidiary: Anak perusahaan
  • Outpost: Pos terdepan
  • Outlying area: Daerah terpencil
  • Bastion: Benteng
  • Settlement: Pemukiman
  • Outskirt: Pinggiran
  • Perimeter: Perimeter
  • Surroundings: Lingkungan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Establish an enclave: Membentuk sebuah kawasan tertentu
  • Form a cultural enclave: Membentuk sebuah kawasan budaya
  • Preserve an enclave: Melestarikan sebuah kawasan tertentu
  • Develop a residential enclave: Mengembangkan sebuah kawasan tempat tinggal
  • Protect the enclave: Melindungi sebuah kawasan tertentu

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Ethnic enclave: Kawasan etnis
  • Diplomatic enclave: Kawasan diplomatik
  • Cultural enclave: Kawasan budaya
  • Academic enclave: Kawasan akademik
  • Religious enclave: Kawasan keagamaan

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • A world of its own: Dunia yang berbeda atau terpisah
  • In a class by itself: Berada dalam kelas yang berbeda
  • Carve out a niche: Menciptakan suatu tempat yang unik
  • Stand alone: Berdiri sendiri
  • Set apart: Berbeda atau terpisah
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