

“Enigmatic” is an adjective used to describe something or someone that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. It often conveys an air of intrigue or ambiguity, leaving people perplexed or curious about the true nature or meaning.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The enigmatic smile on the Mona Lisa has captivated art enthusiasts for centuries.
  2. His enigmatic behavior during the interview left journalists speculating about his true intentions.
  3. The ancient manuscript contained enigmatic symbols that puzzled historians and linguists alike.
  4. The enigmatic figure in the shadows seemed to hold the key to the unfolding mystery.
  5. The enigmatic charm of the old bookstore drew visitors seeking rare and obscure books.
  6. The enigmatic message in the letter hinted at a hidden treasure buried somewhere in the city.
  7. The enigmatic aura surrounding the haunted mansion deterred even the bravest souls from entering.
  8. Her enigmatic response to the question deepened the mystery surrounding her past.
  9. The enigmatic melody played by the street musician transported listeners to a different world.
  10. The enigmatic plot twists in the novel kept readers eagerly turning the pages.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Mysterious: Misterius
  • Puzzling: Membingungkan
  • Cryptic: Sulit dipahami
  • Uncertain: Tidak pasti
  • Ambiguous: Ambigu
  • Bewildering: Membingungkan
  • Mystical: Mistik
  • Secretive: Rahasia
  • Intriguing: Menarik
  • Unfathomable: Tak tergali

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Clear: Jelas
  • Obvious: Nyata
  • Explicit: Tegas
  • Transparent: Transparan
  • Understandable: Dapat dimengerti
  • Evident: Terlihat
  • Decipherable: Dapat diuraikan
  • Unambiguous: Tidak ambigu
  • Plain: Sederhana
  • Simple: Mudah

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Enigmatically: Dengan cara misterius
  • Enigmaticness: Sifat misterius

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Enigma: Misteri
  • Mystery: Misteri
  • Cryptic: Sulit dipahami
  • Obscure: Tidak jelas
  • Ambiguity: Ambiguitas
  • Intrigue: Intrik

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • Maintain an enigmatic air: Menjaga aura misterius
  • Act enigmatically: Bertindak secara misterius
  • Speak in an enigmatic way: Berbicara dengan cara misterius
  • Look enigmatic: Terlihat misterius
  • Keep something enigmatic: Menjaga sesuatu agar tetap misterius

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • The enigmatic smile: Senyum misterius
  • Enigmatic personality: Kepribadian misterius
  • Enigmatic charm: Pesona misterius
  • Enigmatic figure: Tokoh misterius
  • Enigmatic message: Pesan misterius

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:

  • A riddle wrapped in a mystery: Teka-teki yang diselimuti misteri
  • Keep someone in the dark: Menyimpan sesuatu dari seseorang
  • Read between the lines: Membaca di antara baris-baris teks
  • It’s all Greek to me: Sulit dipahami
  • Blow hot and cold: Bertindak atau berbicara secara tidak konsisten

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