In 1956, LOOK magazine named Thomas Dooley as one of the year’s ten most outstanding men. Just under thirty years of age at the time, Dr. Dooley had already distinguished himself by caring for a million sick and emaciated Vietnamese refugees. When fighting broke out in the divided country of Viet Nam, the northern Communist Viet Minh forces surged southward, scattering thousands of refugees before them. At the time, Dr. Dooley was a lieutenant assigned to a tranquil naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. He volunteered for duty on a navy ship chosen to transport the refugee to sanctuary in Saigon. The curtain was beginning to ascend on Dooley’s actual career.
- Outstanding: Luar biasa
- Distinguished: Terkemuka
- Emaciated: Sangat kurus
- Refugee: Pengungsi
- Communist Viet Minh forces: Pasukan komunis Viet Minh
- Surge: Gelombang
- Southward: Ke arah selatan
- Surged southward: Meluap ke arah selatan
- Scattering: Penyebaran
- Tranquil: Tenang
- Sanctuary: Tempat perlindungan
- Ascend: Naik
In 1956, LOOK magazine recognized Thomas Dooley as one of the year’s most remarkable men. He had already made a significant impact at just under thirty years old by providing care for over a million Vietnamese refugees suffering from illness and malnutrition.
- Remarkable: Luar biasa
- Significant: Signifikan
- Care for: Merawat
- Malnutrition: Kurang gizi
The situation in Viet Nam was tense, with fighting breaking out between the northern Communist Viet Minh and the southern forces. The conflict caused a mass migration of refugees, and Dr. Dooley was stationed at a calm naval hospital in Yokosuka, Japan. Despite this, he voluntarily joined a navy ship to help transport refugees to safety in Saigon.
This experience marked the beginning of Dr. Dooley’s true career, where he would continue to make a lasting impact through his selfless service and dedication to helping those in need. The recognition he received from LOOK magazine was just the start of a journey establishing him as a true humanitarian hero.