To examine is to inspect or scrutinize something closely and thoroughly, often to assess its condition, quality, or nature.
Sample Sentences:
- The doctor decided to examine the patient to determine the cause of the symptoms.
- Students were asked to examine the historical artifacts and draw conclusions about their significance.
- The detective needed to examine the crime scene for any potential clues.
- The inspector took the time to examine each detail of the building to ensure it met safety standards.
- Researchers decided to examine the data for patterns and correlations.
- The teacher instructed the students to examine the mathematical problem from different perspectives.
- Before making a decision, the manager wanted to examine the pros and cons of each option.
- The scientist planned to examine the rock samples to understand their geological composition.
- The auditor needed to examine the financial records to ensure accuracy.
- As part of the quality control process, the team had to examine each product for defects.
- Inspect: memeriksa
- Scrutinize: menyelidiki
- Investigate: menyelidiki
- Survey: menyurvei
- Review: meninjau
- Evaluate: mengevaluasi
- Check: memeriksa
- Study: mempelajari
- Analyze: menganalisis
- Observe: mengamati
- Ignore: mengabaikan
- Neglect: mengabaikan
- Overlook: melewatkan
- Disregard: mengabaikan
- Neglect: mengabaikan
- Avoid: menghindari
- Neglect: mengabaikan
- Dismiss: menolak
- Oversee: mengawasi
- Neglect: mengabaikan
Derived Words:
- Examination: pemeriksaan
- Examiner: pemeriksa
Related Words:
- Inspection: pemeriksaan
- Investigation: penyelidikan
- Survey: survei
- Evaluation: evaluasi
- Analysis: analisis
Phrasal Verbs:
- Examine closely: memeriksa dengan seksama
- Examine thoroughly: memeriksa secara menyeluruh
- Examine in detail: memeriksa secara detail
- Examine carefully: memeriksa dengan hati-hati
Common Expressions:
- Examine the evidence: memeriksa bukti
- Examine the facts: memeriksa fakta
Related Idioms:
- Look into: menyelidiki
- Get a closer look: melihat dengan seksama
- Go over with a fine-tooth comb: memeriksa dengan teliti