

To be “exonerated” means to be officially cleared of blame, guilt, or responsibility for a particular wrongdoing or accusation. It implies a formal acknowledgment that the individual is not guilty of the alleged offense, often backed by evidence that proves innocence. Exoneration can occur through legal processes, investigation, or the discovery of new evidence that absolves the individual from any wrongdoing.

Sample Sentences:

  1. After years of imprisonment, DNA evidence finally exonerated the wrongly accused man.
  2. The court’s decision to exonerate the defendant brought relief to the falsely accused party.
  3. The investigation uncovered new information that ultimately exonerated the suspect from any involvement in the crime.
  4. The exoneration of the defendant highlighted flaws in the initial investigation and legal proceedings.
  5. Despite initial suspicions, a thorough review of the case led to the exoneration of the wrongly convicted individual.
  6. The release of the documentary shed light on the wrongful conviction and subsequent exoneration of the defendant.
  7. The witness’s confession played a crucial role in exonerating the accused and identifying the actual perpetrator.
  8. The advocacy group worked tirelessly to exonerate individuals who had been unjustly convicted.
  9. The governor pardoned the innocent man, officially exonerating him and restoring his civil rights.
  10. Public pressure and media attention contributed to the reopening of the case and the eventual exoneration of the accused.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Absolve: Membebaskan
  • Clear: Menyucikan
  • Acquit: Membebaskan
  • Vindicate: Membuktikan tidak bersalah
  • Free: Membebaskan
  • Discharge: Melepaskan
  • Justify: Membenarkan
  • Pardon: Memberi pengampunan
  • Release: Melepaskan
  • Declare innocent: Menyatakan tidak bersalah

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Convict: Menyatakan bersalah
  • Incriminate: Mencurigai
  • Accuse: Menuduh
  • Blame: Menyalahkan
  • Guilty: Bersalah
  • Implicate: Menyeret
  • Charge: Menuduh
  • Indict: Menuntut
  • Condemn: Menghukum
  • Prosecute: Menuntut

Words Derived from it and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Exoneration: Pembebasan
  • Exonerative: Berkaitan dengan pembebasan

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Innocence: Kemurnian
  • Purity: Kemurnian
  • Clearance: Pembebasan
  • Justification: Pembenaran
  • Redemption: Penebusan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Exonerate from charges: Membebaskan dari tuduhan
  • Exonerate after investigation: Membebaskan setelah penyelidikan
  • Exonerate through evidence: Membebaskan melalui bukti
  • Exonerate on appeal: Membebaskan setelah banding
  • Exonerate following review: Membebaskan setelah ditinjau ulang

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Seek exoneration: Mencari pembebasan
  • Legal exoneration: Pembebasan secara hukum
  • Officially exonerated: Secara resmi dibebaskan
  • Wrongful exoneration: Pembebasan yang salah

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Clear one’s name: Menyucikan nama seseorang
  • Wipe the slate clean: Menghapus dosa masa lalu
  • Turn over a new leaf: Memulai lembaran baru
  • Get off scot-free: Terbebas tanpa hukuman
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