
Expiation refers to the act of making amends or atonement for a wrong or sin. It involves taking responsibility for an offense or wrongdoing and attempting to rectify or cleanse oneself from the guilt associated with it. Expiation can occur through actions, rituals, or symbolic gestures meant to restore balance and seek forgiveness.

Sample Sentences Using “Expiation“:

  • The priest advised him to undergo a process of expiation to seek forgiveness for his wrongdoings.
  • He believed that making a public apology was an act of expiation for the hurt he had caused.
  • In some cultures, expiation rituals are performed to cleanse individuals of spiritual or moral guilt.
  • After years of regret, she felt that expiation was necessary to make peace with her past actions.
  • Expiation often involves both recognition of the wrong and a sincere effort to make things right.
  • The community accepted his act of expiation, believing it showed genuine remorse.
  • As part of his expiation, he volunteered at a charity that helped victims of the harm he had caused.
  • In ancient rituals, expiation was often linked to sacrifices to gods or spirits.
  • The act of expiation was considered vital for cleansing the soul and restoring spiritual balance.
  • Some view expiation as a necessary step in the journey toward personal redemption.

Synonyms for “Expiation“:

  1. Atonement
  2. Amends
  3. Reparation
  4. Redemption
  5. Restitution
  6. Compensation
  7. Apology
  8. Remediation
  9. Penance
  10. Penitence

Antonyms for “Expiation“:

  1. Guilt
  2. Wrongdoing
  3. Sin
  4. Offense
  5. Fault
  6. Transgression
  7. Remorselessness
  8. Irreverence
  9. Disregard
  10. Neglect

Related Words:

  1. Atonement – The act of making amends for wrongdoings, often involving sacrifices or penance.
  2. Amends – Efforts to compensate for a wrongdoing or to make reparations.
  3. Penance – Voluntary self-punishment or sacrifice to express remorse for wrongdoing.
  4. Redemption – The action of being saved from sin or error, often associated with spiritual expiation.
  5. Restitution – Compensation or making up for something lost or damaged.
  6. Penitence – The feeling of remorse or regret for wrongdoing, often preceding expiation.
  7. Reparation – Compensation for harm or damage caused by wrongdoing.
  8. Purification – The process of cleansing oneself from guilt or sin, often associated with expiation.

Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions:

  1. Make amends – To take action to atone for or compensate for a wrongdoing.
  2. Do penance – To perform an act of self-punishment or remorse as a way to atone for one’s sins.
  3. Pay for – To take responsibility for the consequences of an action, especially through expiation.
  4. Clear one’s conscience – To relieve oneself of guilt by performing acts of expiation or seeking forgiveness.
  5. Make up for – To compensate for past wrongdoings or mistakes, often through expiation.
  6. Seek forgiveness – To ask for pardon for one’s wrongdoings, often part of the process of expiation.
  7. Cleanse the soul – To perform actions that expiate guilt or sin, restoring spiritual purity.

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