“Flirting” is a social and playful behavior characterized by subtle or overt gestures, expressions, and words with the aim of expressing romantic or playful interest in someone. It is a form of communication that often involves light-hearted banter, teasing, and non-verbal cues to convey attraction and create a sense of connection. While flirting can be innocent and fun, it’s essential to be mindful of boundaries and mutual comfort.
Sample Sentences:
- He couldn’t help but smile when she started flirting with him at the party.
- Flirting is a natural way for people to express interest and create a connection.
- The playful flirting between the two colleagues added a lighthearted atmosphere to the office.
- Sarah’s subtle flirting made it clear that she was interested in getting to know him better.
- The art of flirting involves a delicate balance between charm and respect.
- During their first date, they spent the evening laughing and flirting with each other.
- Flirting is often a non-verbal dance, with eye contact and smiles playing a significant role.
- The friendly flirting between the barista and the customer brightened up the coffee shop.
- Effective flirting involves being attentive, genuine, and mindful of the other person’s comfort level.
- The movie characters engaged in witty and charming flirting scenes, adding a romantic element to the plot.
Synonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Courting – PDKT (Pendekatan Dengan Ketertarikan)
- Teasing – Merayu
- Wooing – Menggoda
- Coquetry – Coquetry
- Banter – Candaan
- Playful interaction – Interaksi bermain-main
- Seducing – Menggoda
- Charm – Pesona
- Sweet-talking – Berkata manis
- Buttering up – Merayu
Antonyms (English – Indonesian):
- Ignoring – Mengabaikan
- Rejecting – Menolak
- Avoiding – Menghindari
- Repelling – Menolak
- Disregarding – Mengabaikan
- Deterring – Mencegah
- Alienating – Menjauhkan
- Scaring off – Membuat takut
- Shunning – Menghindari
- Dismissing – Menolak
Derived Words (English – Indonesian):
- Flirtation – PDKT (Pendekatan Dengan Ketertarikan)
- Flirtatious – Bersifat merayu
- Flirted – Merayu
Related Words (English – Indonesian):
- Romance – Romansa
- Attraction – Ketertarikan
- Affection – Kasih sayang
- Chemistry – Kimia
- Connection – Koneksi
- Playfulness – Keriangan
- Banter – Candaan
- Engagement – Keterlibatan
- Intimacy – Kedekatan
- Infatuation – Kepedihan
Phrasal Verbs (English – Indonesian):
- Flirt with – Merayu
- Play around with – Bermain-main dengan
- Banter back and forth – Bertukar candaan
Common Expressions (English – Indonesian):
- “Flirting game” – “Permainan merayu”
- “Flirting techniques” – “Teknik merayu”
- “Flirting signals” – “Sinyal merayu”
Related Idioms (English – Indonesian):
- “Batting eyelashes” – “Mengedipkan mata”
- “Wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve” – “Menunjukkan perasaan dengan terbuka”