

A flue refers to a duct or passage that channels gases, smoke, or air from a combustion source, such as a fireplace or furnace, to the outside environment. It is an integral component of heating systems, ensuring the safe and efficient removal of byproducts produced during the combustion process. Typically constructed from materials resistant to heat and corrosion, flues play a crucial role in maintaining proper ventilation and preventing the accumulation of harmful gases within living spaces. Proper design and maintenance of flues are essential for both safety and the optimal functioning of heating appliances.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The fireplace flue allows smoke to exit the house safely.
  2. Modern boilers are equipped with efficient flue systems for improved ventilation.
  3. The technician inspected the flue for any blockages or damage.
  4. Carbon monoxide detectors are essential, especially when dealing with malfunctioning flues.
  5. Birds nesting in the flue can create ventilation issues and pose safety risks.
  6. The kitchen hood has a flue that directs cooking odors outside.
  7. The chimney’s flue liner protects the structure from corrosive gases.
  8. Blocked flues can lead to backdrafts, pushing smoke into the living space.
  9. Regular cleaning of the flue is necessary to prevent creosote buildup.
  10. The new furnace installation included a state-of-the-art flue system.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Duct: Saluran
  • Pipe: Pipa
  • Vent: Ventilasi
  • Conduit: Konduktor
  • Channel: Saluran
  • Passage: Lintasan
  • Tube: Tabung
  • Shaft: Saluran vertikal
  • Ventilation: Ventilasi
  • Exhaust: Pembuangan

The Hummingbird’s Labyrinth: A Tale of Secrets and Steam

Duct-lined corridors, cold and metallic, snaked through the heart of the Grand Aetherium. Pipes, fat as slumbering pythons, pulsed with the lifeblood of the city – steam. Vents hissed, spewing whispers of faraway workshops and forgotten laboratories. This was Elara’s domain, a labyrinthine playground where she danced with the conduit of innovation, a nimble hummingbird flitting through the channels of progress.

One day, a tremor echoed through the passages, a tremor born not of the usual rhythmic hum of industry, but of a strangled cry. Elara, drawn by the distress, found a tube ruptured, spewing a plume of noxious fumes. A young apprentice, barely a fledgling in this mechanical menagerie, lay gasping within the acrid cloud.

Without a beat, Elara dove. The shaft, narrow and treacherous, tested her agility. Steam scalded her feathers, the air thick with the tang of danger. But Elara was a hummingbird, a creature born for tight spaces and swift maneuvers. She reached the apprentice, a wisp of a girl named Anya, and with a flurry of wings, guided her back to safety.

Anya, her eyes wide with gratitude, revealed a chilling secret: a saboteur, a hidden hand tinkering with the city’s ventilation system, choking it with toxic whispers. Elara, her curiosity ablaze, knew she couldn’t let this fester. The Grand Aetherium, her city, her home, was at stake.

Using her knowledge of the city’s inner workings, Elara and Anya embarked on a perilous chase through the exhaust of suspicion. They followed whispers on the wind, deciphered cryptic messages etched on pipes, and navigated the labyrinthine ducts of the city’s underbelly. Each twist and turn brought them closer to the saboteur, but also closer to the heart of a conspiracy that threatened to unravel the very fabric of their society.

The climax came in the Grand Central Hub, a swirling vortex of steam and steel. Elara, wings a blur, faced the saboteur – a rogue engineer, driven mad by a thirst for power. A battle of wits and wings ensued, a dance of shadows and steam, played out against the backdrop of the city’s beating heart.

In the end, it was not brute force, but Elara’s intimate understanding of the city’s channels that saved the day. She lured the saboteur into a trap, a forgotten passage, where the very steam he sought to weaponize turned against him. The saboteur was apprehended, the threat neutralized, and Elara, the hummingbird of the Grand Aetherium, became its silent guardian, forever vigilant in the labyrinthine heart of her city.

The Hummingbird’s Labyrinth was not just a tale of adventure; it was a testament to the power of curiosity, the courage of the small, and the unsung heroes who keep the gears of progress turning. And so, whenever the wind whispers through the ducts, or the steam hisses from a vent, the people of the Grand Aetherium remember the hummingbird, their tiny protector, who danced with danger in the heart of their city, and kept the flames of innovation alive.

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Blockage: Penyumbatan
  • Clog: Penyumbat
  • Obstruction: Halangan
  • Closure: Penutupan
  • Seal: Penutup
  • Stopper: Penutup
  • Occlusion: Penutupan
  • Jam: Macet
  • Impediment: Hambatan
  • Bar: Rintangan

The Artery of the Archipelago: A Voyage Through Veins of Stone

The archipelago breathed with the rhythm of tides. Its islands, emerald jewels scattered across the sapphire embrace of the sea, were connected by veins of turquoise water, arteries carved by time and tide. But a darkness was spreading, an obstruction in the lifeblood of the islands – a monstrous clog of volcanic ash, spewed from the fiery maw of a slumbering giant.

Anya, a young sailor with eyes the color of the coral reefs, watched the news with a rising knot of fear. Her home, the island of Makena, was furthest from the closure, yet the ripples of the blockage were already being felt. Fishing nets snagged on phantom reefs, currents shifted erratically, and whispers of a growing famine danced on the salty wind.

Driven by a fierce love for her home and a spirit as untamed as the ocean itself, Anya devised a daring plan. She would sail through the impediment, navigate the choked flues of the archipelago, and find a way to clear the blockage. Her vessel would be no grand ship, but a humble canoe, swift and nimble like a dolphin, its hull adorned with Makena’s traditional tattoos, a silent prayer for safe passage.

Her journey was a perilous dance of survival. Jagged teeth of volcanic rock scraped her canoe, whirlpools spun like hungry beasts, and the ever-present threat of another eruption hung heavy in the air. Yet, Anya persevered, guided by the wisdom of the sea and the whispers of the ancestral winds.

She encountered others along the way, souls caught in the web of the sea’s distress. A fisherman, his net forever snagged on the volcanic ash, his eyes reflecting the despair of a starving man. A young boy, his island cut off from the mainland, his laughter choked by the silence of isolation. With each encounter, Anya’s resolve hardened, the weight of their hopes a heavy yet precious burden.

Finally, she reached the heart of the clog, a churning maelstrom of ash and fury. There, nestled within the fiery belly of the volcano, she discovered the source of the obstruction – a petrified tree, its roots like iron, its branches reaching towards the sky, damming the artery of the archipelago.

Anya knew what she had to do. Using her father’s harpoon, forged from the bones of ancient leviathans, she scaled the volcanic rock, her body a whisper against the roar of the eruption. With each agonizing blow, she chipped away at the petrified wood, her tears mingling with the molten rain.

And then, with a shudder that shook the very foundation of the sea, the stopper gave way. The ash flowed freely, the closure undone. The ocean sang a song of relief, its turquoise ribbons rushing through the newly-cleared veins.

Anya returned to Makena a hero, her canoe adorned not just with tattoos, but with the soot of the volcano, a badge of courage etched in fire. The archipelago breathed once more, its islands reconnected, its waters teeming with life. And yet, beneath the celebration, Anya knew the ocean was a fickle mistress. The blockage was cleared, but the next might be waiting, hidden in the depths, a silent threat in the vibrant veins of the sea.

The Artery of the Archipelago wasn’t just a story of Anya’s bravery; it was a reminder that our planet, like the archipelago, is a delicate web of interconnected lives. And for those who dared to listen, the sea, in its roar and its whisper, held the key to both its fragility and its resilience.

Words Derived from It and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Flueing: Proses pelepasan gas melalui saluran
  • Flued: Terhubung melalui saluran
  • Flueless: Tanpa saluran
  • Fluey: Bersifat saluran
  • Flueless: Tanpa saluran

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Chimney: Cerobong
  • Soot: Kotoran asap
  • Combustion: Pembakaran
  • Ventilator: Ventilator
  • Airflow: Aliran udara
  • Draft: Aliran udara
  • Chimney stack: Tumpukan cerobong
  • Fireplace: Perapian
  • Boiler: Pemanas air
  • Damper: Penutup saluran udara

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Vent out: Mengeluarkan udara
  • Clean out: Membersihkan
  • Block up: Memblokir
  • Seal off: Menutup rapat
  • Let out: Melepaskan
  • Clear away: Membersihkan
  • Sweep out: Membersihkan
  • Break down: Meruntuhkan
  • Carry away: Mengangkut
  • Take out: Mengeluarkan

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Flue system: Sistem saluran
  • Flue gas: Gas saluran
  • Flue inspection: Pemeriksaan saluran
  • Flue cleaning: Pembersihan saluran
  • Flue maintenance: Pemeliharaan saluran
  • Flue design: Desain saluran
  • Flue blockage: Penyumbatan saluran
  • Flue liner: Pelapis saluran
  • Flue cap: Tutup saluran
  • Flue exit: Pintu keluar saluran

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Blow smoke: Mengelabui
  • Go up in smoke: Hangus
  • Smoke and mirrors: Ilusi atau tipuan
  • Where there’s smoke, there’s fire: Di mana ada asap, ada api
  • Light a fire under someone: Mendorong seseorang untuk bertindak
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth: Terlalu banyak orang mengacaukan rencana
  • Burn the midnight oil: Bekerja hingga larut malam
  • Out of the frying pan into the fire: Dari mulut singa ke mulut buaya
  • Smoke the peace pipe: Menandatangani perjanjian damai
  • Smoke out: Membuat sesuatu terlihat atau terdengar
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