
“Forsake” is a verb that means to abandon, renounce, or give up on someone or something, often deliberately or permanently. It conveys a sense of desertion or betrayal, suggesting a conscious decision to no longer support or be associated with a person, cause, or place.

Sample Sentences:

  1. He chose to forsake his comfortable job in pursuit of his true passion.
  2. In times of adversity, true friends do not easily forsake one another.
  3. The explorer had to forsake his original route due to unforeseen challenges.
  4. Some people forsake their cultural heritage in the process of assimilation.
  5. The king’s decision to forsake his throne shocked the entire kingdom.
  6. She refused to forsake her principles even in the face of criticism.
  7. The abandoned building seemed to symbolize a community that had chosen to forsake it.
  8. It’s heartbreaking when parents forsake their responsibilities towards their children.
  9. The artist had to forsake the traditional techniques in favor of modern innovations.
  10. The organization warned that those who forsake their commitment will face consequences.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Abandon (Meninggalkan)
  • Desert (Meninggalkan)
  • Renounce (Menolak)
  • Reject (Menolak)
  • Abjure (Menolak)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Embrace (Merangkul)
  • Support (Mendukung)
  • Cherish (Menghargai)
  • Maintain (Menjaga)

Words Derived (Kata Turunan):

  • Forsaken (Ditinggalkan)
  • Forsaking (Peninggalan)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Abandonment (Pembiaran)
  • Renunciation (Penolakan)
  • Betrayal (Pengkhianatan)
  • Desertion (Peninggalan)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):

  • Forsake a Belief (Meninggalkan suatu keyakinan)
  • Forsake a Path (Meninggalkan suatu jalan)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Forsake the Old for the New (Meninggalkan yang lama untuk yang baru)
  • Forsake the Past (Meninggalkan masa lalu)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • To leave in the lurch (Meninggalkan dalam kebingungan)
  • To break faith with (Meninggalkan seseorang yang telah dipercayai)

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