“Forsake” is a verb that means to abandon, renounce, or give up on someone or something, often deliberately or permanently. It conveys a sense of desertion or betrayal, suggesting a conscious decision to no longer support or be associated with a person, cause, or place.
Sample Sentences:
- He chose to forsake his comfortable job in pursuit of his true passion.
- In times of adversity, true friends do not easily forsake one another.
- The explorer had to forsake his original route due to unforeseen challenges.
- Some people forsake their cultural heritage in the process of assimilation.
- The king’s decision to forsake his throne shocked the entire kingdom.
- She refused to forsake her principles even in the face of criticism.
- The abandoned building seemed to symbolize a community that had chosen to forsake it.
- It’s heartbreaking when parents forsake their responsibilities towards their children.
- The artist had to forsake the traditional techniques in favor of modern innovations.
- The organization warned that those who forsake their commitment will face consequences.
Synonyms (Sinonim):
- Abandon (Meninggalkan)
- Desert (Meninggalkan)
- Renounce (Menolak)
- Reject (Menolak)
- Abjure (Menolak)
Antonyms (Antonim):
- Embrace (Merangkul)
- Support (Mendukung)
- Cherish (Menghargai)
- Maintain (Menjaga)
Words Derived (Kata Turunan):
- Forsaken (Ditinggalkan)
- Forsaking (Peninggalan)
Related Words (Kata Terkait):
- Abandonment (Pembiaran)
- Renunciation (Penolakan)
- Betrayal (Pengkhianatan)
- Desertion (Peninggalan)
Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Kerja):
- Forsake a Belief (Meninggalkan suatu keyakinan)
- Forsake a Path (Meninggalkan suatu jalan)
Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):
- Forsake the Old for the New (Meninggalkan yang lama untuk yang baru)
- Forsake the Past (Meninggalkan masa lalu)
Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):
- To leave in the lurch (Meninggalkan dalam kebingungan)
- To break faith with (Meninggalkan seseorang yang telah dipercayai)