

Gilt refers to a thin layer of gold or a gold-colored substance that is applied to a surface, often used for decorative purposes. It can also symbolize wealth, opulence, or a superficial appearance of value. Here are 10 sample sentences:

  1. The antique mirror’s frame was adorned with intricate gilt patterns.
  2. The royal crown gleamed with a layer of pure gilt.
  3. The artist meticulously applied gold gilt to highlight specific features of the painting.
  4. The luxurious ballroom was adorned with gilt accents, creating an atmosphere of grandeur.
  5. The ornate furniture was elegantly crafted with delicate gilt details.
  6. The ancient manuscripts were bound with covers featuring faded gilt edges.
  7. The wealthy merchant flaunted his prosperity through the purchase of gilt accessories.
  8. The extravagant chandelier sparkled with dangling gilt ornaments.
  9. The historic mansion showcased a majestic staircase with gilt railings.
  10. The opulent throne was elevated, featuring a cushioned seat with gold gilt trim.


  • Gold-plated (Berlapis emas)
  • Gilded (Beremas)
  • Gilding (Emas berkilauan)
  • Gold leaf (Daun emas)


  • Plain (Polos)
  • Unadorned (Tidak dihias)
  • Simple (Sederhana)
  • Undecorated (Tidak dihiasi)

Derived Words:

  • Gilder (Pemberi emas)
  • Gild (Memberi emas)

Related Words:

  • Ornate (Berhias)
  • Opulent (Mewah)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Gild over (Mengemas lebih)
  • Gild with (Menghiasi dengan)

Common Expressions:

  • Gilt-edged (Berpinggir emas)
  • Gilt-edged securities (Efek berharga tinggi)


  • To gild the lily (Menghias bunga lili) – to add unnecessary ornamentation to something already beautiful.

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