“Gobbledegook” is a noun that refers to language or writing that is difficult to understand because it is full of jargon, technical terms, or convoluted and meaningless words. It is often used to describe communication that is excessively complex or confusing, making it difficult for the average person to comprehend.
In Indonesian, the equivalent term for “gobbledegook” is “gubrag” or “basa-basi.”
Example sentences using “gobbledegook”:
- The legal document was filled with gobbledegook, making it challenging for the layperson to understand its implications.
- The politician’s speech was nothing but gobbledegook, and the audience struggled to make sense of his points.
- The user manual for the new software was written in gobbledegook, leaving customers frustrated and seeking help.
- The scientific paper was full of gobbledegook, making it inaccessible to anyone without a specialized background.
- The technical jargon used by the IT expert sounded like gobbledegook to the average computer user.
- The financial report was riddled with gobbledegook, making it difficult for investors to assess the company’s performance.
- The academic article was so dense with gobbledegook that even other scholars found it challenging to decipher.
- The company’s marketing material was criticized for using gobbledegook instead of clear, straightforward language.
- The government’s official statement was a mix of gobbledegook and empty rhetoric, failing to address the public’s concerns.
- The medical diagnosis was explained in gobbledegook, and the patient had to ask the doctor to simplify it.
- Nonsense
- Gibberish
- Jargon
- Gobbledygook
- Clarity
- Plain language
- Simplicity
- Understandability
Related Words:
- Confusing
- Obscure
- Incomprehensible
Phrasal Verbs:
- Use gobbledegook
- Speak in gobbledegook
- Full of gobbledegook
- Decipher gobbledegook
Conclusion: The term “gobbledegook” underscores the importance of clear and straightforward communication. Understanding the concept of gobbledegook reminds us of the need to use language that is accessible and understandable to a wide audience. Encouraging simplicity and clarity in communication can promote effective knowledge sharing and foster better understanding between individuals and across different fields. By avoiding gobbledegook and embracing plain language, we contribute to a culture that values clear expression and inclusivity. Striving to communicate in a way that is accessible to others can lead to more meaningful connections and effective problem-solving. Embracing plain language as a standard can result in more transparent and productive communication, ultimately benefiting individuals and organizations alike.