

The term “gonzo” is often used to describe a style of journalism or writing that is highly personal, subjective, and often experimental. It is characterized by its first-person narrative, an active voice, and a sense of humor or irreverence. It originated in the 1960s and 1970s and was popularized by writers like Hunter S. Thompson.

The term “gonzo” can also be used more broadly to describe anything that is unconventional, unconventional, or extreme in nature. It is often associated with counterculture movements and nonconformity.

Here are some synonyms for “gonzo”:

  • Radical
  • Unorthodox
  • Offbeat
  • Quirky
  • Eccentric

And some antonyms:

  • Conventional
  • Traditional
  • Mainstream
  • Conservative
  • Normal

Related words might include:

  • Counterculture
  • Nonconformity
  • Rebellion
  • Subversion
  • Unconventionalism

Some phrasal verbs that could be used with “gonzo” include:

  • Go gonzo: to embrace a gonzo-style approach
  • Gonzo out: to engage in extreme or unconventional behavior
  • Gonzo off: to go on a tangent or deviate from a planned course of action

An idiomatic expression that could be associated with “gonzo” is “off the beaten path,” which implies a deviation from the norm or mainstream.

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