“Good breeding” is a term that refers to possessing refined manners, politeness, and a courteous demeanor, often instilled through upbringing and cultural influences. It signifies a person’s ability to conduct themselves with grace, respect, and consideration in social situations. Good breeding goes beyond mere etiquette; it reflects a deeper understanding of social norms, empathy, and an appreciation for the feelings and well-being of others.
Sample Sentences:
- Her good breeding was evident in the way she gracefully handled unexpected situations with poise.
- The diplomat’s good breeding was appreciated as he navigated international discussions with tact.
- Children with good breeding are often taught the importance of saying “please” and “thank you.”
- The hostess displayed good breeding by ensuring each guest felt welcomed and comfortable.
- A person of good breeding knows how to navigate diverse social settings with ease.
- The executive’s good breeding was evident during business meetings, where he showcased professionalism and respect.
- Good breeding involves not only proper table manners but also consideration for others at the dining table.
- The teacher commended the student for her good breeding, noting her kindness and helpfulness in the classroom.
- Good breeding is reflected in the ability to handle criticism gracefully and respond with composure.
- The politician’s good breeding shone through in the way he engaged with constituents, listening attentively to their concerns.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Politeness: Kesopanan
- Etiquette: Etiket
- Civility: Kesopanan
- Courtesy: Kesusilaan
- Decorum: Kesusilaan
- Refinement: Kelembutan
- Propriety: Kesopanan
- Grace: Keanggunan
- Elegance: Kebahagiaan
- Cultivation: Pendidikan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Rudeness: Ketidakramahan
- Impoliteness: Ketidak-sopanan
- Discourtesy: Ketidak-ramahan
- Insolence: Kecacatan
- Indecency: Ketidak-tahuan
- Crudeness: Kekejaman
- Boorishness: Kekejaman
- Incivility: Ketidak-tampanan
- Disrespect: Ketidak-penghormatan
- Insensitivity: Kurang kepekaan
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Well-bred: Berasal dari keluarga baik
- Breeding: Pemuliaan
- Bred: Dibiakkan
- Bred-in-the-bone: Terbawa-bawa
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Manners: Cara berperilaku
- Culture: Kebudayaan
- Upbringing: Pendidikan
- Behavior: Perilaku
- Respect: Menghormati
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Exhibit good breeding: Menunjukkan perilaku baik
- Instill good breeding: Menanamkan perilaku baik
- Uphold good breeding: Menegakkan perilaku baik
- Display good breeding: Menampilkan perilaku baik
- Practice good breeding: Melatih perilaku baik
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Acts of good breeding: Tindakan perilaku baik
- Model good breeding: Menjadi contoh perilaku baik
- Demonstrate good breeding: Mendemonstrasikan perilaku baik
- Learn good breeding: Belajar perilaku baik
- Appreciate good breeding: Menghargai perilaku baik
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- A gentleman/lady never tells: Seorang pria/wanita sejati tidak mengatakannya
- Actions speak louder than words: Tindakan lebih berbicara daripada kata-kata
- Put on a good show: Menampilkan pertunjukan yang baik
- Mind one’s Ps and Qs: Memperhatikan hal-hal kecil
- Class act: Tindakan kelas satu