“Grandiosity” refers to a pompous, exaggerated, or pretentious quality, often associated with a person’s behavior, speech, or ideas. It involves an inflated sense of self-importance and an inclination toward extravagant or overly ambitious plans or actions.
Sample Sentences:
- The CEO’s speeches were marked by a level of grandiosity that bordered on arrogance.
- The architect’s vision for the new building was criticized for its unnecessary grandiosity.
- The politician’s promises were often filled with a sense of unrealistic grandiosity.
- His constant need for attention was driven by a deep-seated sense of personal grandiosity.
- The film director’s ideas for the project were dismissed as mere grandiosity without practicality.
- Despite the project’s modest goals, he approached it with a level of unnecessary grandiosity.
- The artist’s paintings were known for their grand scale and a touch of artistic grandiosity.
- The wealthy tycoon’s lifestyle reflected a certain level of materialistic grandiosity.
- The athlete’s constant self-praise revealed a sense of athletic grandiosity.
- The leader’s decision-making often leaned toward grandiosity, disregarding practical considerations.
- Pompousness – Keangkuhan
- Arrogance – Kesombongan
- Pretentiousness – Kesombongan
- Swagger – Kesombongan
- Ostentation – Kesombongan
- Boastfulness – Kecongkakan
- Egoism – Egoisme
- Vainglory – Kesombongan yang berlebihan
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
- Inflation – Pembesaran
- Humility – Kerendahan hati
- Modesty – Kesederhanaan
- Simplicity – Kemudahan
- Practicality – Kepraktisan
- Realism – Realisme
- Understatement – Pernyataan yang merendahkan
- Sobriety – Ketenangan
- Restraint – Penahanan
- Subduedness – Keterkenduran
- Reserve – Kekurang-beranian
Derived Words:
- Grandiose – Sombong atau berlebihan
Related Words:
- Extravagance – Kemewahan
- Display of wealth – Tampilan kekayaan
- Excessive ambition – Ambisi yang berlebihan
- High-flying ideas – Ide-ide besar
- Elaborateness – Kerumitan
Phrasal Verbs:
- Shoot for the stars – Mengejar tujuan yang terlalu tinggi
- Aim too high – Menetapkan target terlalu tinggi
- Dream big – Bermimpi besar
Common Expressions:
- Engage in grandiosity – Terlibat dalam kesombongan
- Display of grandiosity – Tampilan kesombongan
Related Idioms:
- All hat and no cattle – Terlihat berani tetapi tidak memiliki substansi atau keterampilan yang nyata.
- Too big for one’s britches – Merasa terlalu berani atau sombong untuk tingkat keterampilan atau posisi yang dimilikinya.