

Grousing, like a rusty hinge creaking in the wind, is the incessant squawk of discontent. It’s the low-grade simmer of dissatisfaction, the perpetual grumbling about life’s minor annoyances. Imagine a child whining about a soggy cookie, a colleague complaining about a lukewarm coffee, or a social media user venting about their neighbor’s loud dog. Grousing is the soundtrack of such scenarios, a symphony of negativity that can wear down even the most patient listener. While it may seem harmless, unchecked grousing can poison the atmosphere, breeding resentment and sapping the joy out of everyday moments.

Sample Sentences:

  1. He spent the entire meeting grousing about the new dress code, completely missing the point of the discussion. (Mengomel)
  2. The constant grousing about the weather was getting on everyone’s nerves, especially on a sunny day. (Mengomel)
  3. Instead of grousing about the homework, she decided to just get it done and enjoy her free time later. (Men mengeluh)
  4. The politician’s grousing about losing the election fell on deaf ears, as most voters had already moved on. (Mengeluh)
  5. The online forum was filled with people grousing about the latest video game update, despite it being a free improvement. (Men mengeluh)
  6. She took a deep breath and told herself to stop grousing and focus on finding a solution to her problem. (Men mengeluh)
  7. The constant grousing of the machinery made it difficult to concentrate in the office. (Berisik)
  8. He learned that grousing wouldn’t get him anywhere, so he started taking initiative and solving his own problems. (Mengomel)
  9. The teacher tried to discourage grousing by encouraging students to come up with constructive criticism instead. (Mengomel)
  10. The athlete’s motto was “No grousing, just winning,” and it seemed to serve her well. (Mengeluh)


  • Complaining (Mengomel)
  • Moaning (Mengeluh)
  • Whining (Merengek)
  • Grumbling (Menggerutu)
  • Bellyaching (Mengeluh)
  • Cribbing (Mengomel)
  • Nailing (Mengomel)
  • Sulking (Merengut)
  • Griping (Mengomel)
  • Whingeing (Mengeluh)


  • Praising (Memuji)
  • Appreciating (Menghargai)
  • Celebrating (Menyambut)
  • Cheering (Bersorak)
  • Laughing (Tertawa)
  • Smiling (Tersenyum)
  • Being content (Puas)
  • Finding solutions (Mencari solusi)
  • Taking initiative (Mengambil inisiatif)
  • Being optimistic (Optimis)

Words Derived:

  • Grouse (Mengomel)
  • Grouchy (Pengomel)

Related Words:

  • Negativity (Kenegatifan)
  • Pessimism (Keadaan pesimis)
  • Dissatisfaction (Ketidakpuasan)
  • Entitlement (Hak)
  • Laziness (Keadaan malas)
  • Passivity (Keadaan pasif)
  • Victim mentality (Mentalitas korban)
  • Drama (Drama)
  • Petty (Kecil)
  • Trivial (Sepele)

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Grouch about something (Mengomel tentang sesuatu)
  • Carry on about something (Terus-menerus membicarakan sesuatu)
  • Make a fuss over nothing (Membuat keributan atas hal yang tidak penting)
  • Cry wolf (Mengada-ada)
  • Go on and on (Terus-menerus berbicara)

Common Expressions:

  • Stop your grousing! (Diamlah mengeluh!)
  • I’m sick of your grousing! (Aku lelah mendengarmu mengeluh!)
  • Can you please stop grousing and do something about it? (Bisakah kamu berhenti mengeluh dan melakukan sesuatu?)
  • Are you ever going to stop grousing? (Apakah kamu akan berhenti mengeluh?)
  • All this grousing is getting us nowhere. (Semua ini tidak ada gunanya.)
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