Guilt refers to the feeling of responsibility or remorse for having done something wrong or immoral. It can arise from a specific action, or even from thoughts or inaction that go against one’s moral or ethical standards. Guilt is often associated with the desire to make amends or seek forgiveness for a perceived wrongdoing.
Sample Sentences Using “Guilt“:
- She felt deep guilt for betraying her friend’s trust and worked hard to make things right.
- His guilt over the accident consumed him, and he couldn’t move past it.
- The jury determined his guilt based on the evidence presented in the case.
- Guilt can weigh heavily on a person’s conscience, affecting their mental health.
- The child’s face showed signs of guilt after breaking the vase.
- He confessed his guilt to the authorities, hoping it would bring closure to the case.
- Despite his guilt, he tried to convince himself that he did nothing wrong.
- The feeling of guilt lingered long after the situation had passed.
- She was overcome with guilt when she realized the harm her words had caused.
- Guilt often drives people to seek forgiveness or make amends for their mistakes.
Synonyms for “Guilt“:
- Remorse
- Shame
- Regret
- Contrition
- Repentance
- Responsibility
- Blame
- Self-reproach
- Culpability
- Penitence
Antonyms for “Guilt“:
- Innocence
- Blamelessness
- Virtue
- Purity
- Integrity
- Piety
- Righteousness
- Honor
- Goodness
- Clear conscience
Related Words:
- Remorse – A deep sense of regret and sorrow for having done something wrong, often tied to guilt.
- Regret – A feeling of sadness or disappointment about a past action, often associated with guilt.
- Contrition – Sincere remorse or regret for having committed a wrongdoing, typically leading to an apology.
- Repentance – The act of feeling remorse for a wrongdoing and seeking forgiveness.
- Culpability – The responsibility for a fault or wrong, often linked to guilt in legal or moral contexts.
- Self-reproach – A feeling of guilt or shame directed at oneself for perceived mistakes.
- Blame – The responsibility for a fault or wrong, often accompanied by guilt.
- Penitence – A feeling of remorse for wrongdoing, often leading to acts of contrition or atonement.
- Expiation – The act of making amends or seeking forgiveness to alleviate guilt.
Phrasal Verbs and Idiomatic Expressions:
- Feel guilty – To experience the emotion of guilt for one’s actions.
- Live with guilt – To continue to feel guilt over a past action or mistake.
- Ease one’s guilt – To take actions or seek forgiveness to reduce or alleviate guilt.
- Bear the guilt – To carry the burden of guilt for a past wrong.
- Wash away guilt – To cleanse oneself from guilt, often through atonement or seeking forgiveness.
- Get off one’s conscience – To rid oneself of the feeling of guilt, often by confessing or making amends.
- Ease one’s conscience – To relieve the burden of guilt by taking action to make things right.
- Guilty conscience – A state of feeling guilt or remorse for a past action or decision.
- Cleansing of guilt – A process of absolving oneself from guilt, often through confession or penance.
- Feel the weight of guilt – To feel the intense burden or emotional heaviness that comes from guilt.