The school officials were faced with a challenging situation. The public had turned against them, and what was once a straightforward matter of disciplining two misbehaving students had become a major issue. The principal was now depicted as a villain, with people even going so far as to hang an effigy of him or portray him in cartoons attacking the two innocent students, Ron and Len.
- challenging: menantang, sulit
- turned against them: berbalik melawan mereka
- straightforward: langsung, jelas
- disciplining: mendisiplinkan, mengatur
- misbehaving: berperilaku buruk, nakal
- student: siswa, pelajar
- major issue: masalah besar, isu utama
- depicted: digambarkan, diilustrasikan
- villain: penjahat, bajingan
- hang on effigy: digantung dalam patung, digantung dalam patung
- effigy: patung, gambaran
Despite this, the authorities could not let the boys continue to defy their authority without consequences. The school board members agreed with the principal’s actions but were also aware of the widespread support for the students. In light of this, a solution was needed to calm the turbulent situation and find a way to move forward.
- defy: menantang, melawan
- the school board: dewan sekolah, badan sekolah
- principal: kepala sekolah, utama
- widespread support for students: dukungan luas untuk siswa
- in light of this: dengan mempertimbangkan ini, dengan ini
- turbulent: bergejolak, kacau
- to move forward: untuk maju, untuk melanjutkan
A compromise was called for, one that would take into account both the authority of the school officials and the popular support for the two students. The goal was to find a solution that would resolve the conflict and restore peace to the school community.
- compromise: kompromi, kesepakatan
- take into account: mempertimbangkan, memperhitungkan
- resolve: menyelesaikan, menyelesaikan
- restore peace: mengembalikan perdamaian, memulihkan ketenangan
The school authorities were stymied. Public opinion had been marshalled against them. No longer was it a simple case of disciplining two wayward lads. Suddenly it had become a nightmare in which the principal was either hanged in effigy or pictured in cartoons making a villainous swipe at the two innocent Samsons. But the officials could not allow Ron and Len to flout their authority with impunity. School board members concurred with the principal’s action but were cognizant of the popular support for the boys. A compromise was called for to resolve the turbulent situation.
- stymied: terhambat, terhalang
- marshall: mengatur, mengorganisir
- marshalled against them: diatur melawan mereka
- wayward: nakal, bandel
- lads: anak laki-laki, pemuda
- wayward lads: anak-anak nakal, anak-anak yang bandel
- hanged in effigy: digantung dalam patung, digantung dalam patung
- villainous: jahat, keji
- swipe at: menyerang, menyerang
- flout: mengabaikan, mengejek
- impunity: kekebalan hukum, kebebasan dari hukuman
- to flout with impunity: mengabaikan tanpa dihukum
- concurred: setuju, sependapat
- cognizant: menyadari, sadar akan
- compromise: kompromi, kesepakatan
- called for: meminta, menyerukan
- resolve: menyelesaikan, menyelesaikan
- turbulent: bergejolak, kacau