

The term “harness” can be used as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a piece of equipment, typically consisting of straps, used to control an animal or attach it to a load to be pulled. It can also refer to a set of straps used to hold a person in place, such as a parachute harness. As a verb, “harness” means to control or utilize the energy or potential power of something. It can also mean to equip or clothe with armor. Here are 10 sample sentences using the word “harness”:

  1. The farmer put a harness on the horse to attach it to the plow.
  2. She wore a safety harness while rock climbing.
  3. The firefighter used a harness to rescue the stranded hiker.
  4. The team of sled dogs was harnessed together to pull the sled.
  5. He learned how to harness the power of the wind to generate electricity.
  6. The knight harnessed himself in preparation for battle.
  7. The engineer designed a new harness for the astronauts.
  8. The dog trainer taught the puppy to walk on a harness instead of a collar.
  9. The mountain climber relied on his harness to prevent falls.
  10. The company harnessed the latest technology to improve efficiency.

Here are the lists of synonyms, antonyms, words derived from “harness,” related words, phrasal verbs, common expressions, and related idioms, along with their Indonesian equivalents:


  • Control: Mengendalikan
  • Utilize: Memanfaatkan
  • Exploit: Memanfaatkan
  • Leverage: Memanfaatkan
  • Tame: Menjinakkan
  • Bridle: Mengendalikan
  • Manage: Mengelola
  • Direct: Mengarahkan
  • Employ: Mempekerjakan
  • Gear: Perlengkapan


  • Release: Melepaskan
  • Free: Bebas
  • Unleash: Melepaskan
  • Abandon: Meninggalkan
  • Neglect: Mengabaikan
  • Untether: Melepaskan
  • Unharness: Melepaskan
  • Unstrap: Melepaskan tali
  • Unfasten: Membuka
  • Unclasp: Membuka

Words derived from “harness”:

  • Harnessing: Mengendalikan
  • Harnesser: Pengendali
  • Harnessable: Dapat dikendalikan
  • Harnessless: Tanpa kendali
  • Harnessing: Mengendalikan
  • Harnesser: Pengendali
  • Harnessable: Dapat dikendalikan
  • Harnessless: Tanpa kendali

Related words:

  • Control: Kendali
  • Strap: Tali
  • Equipment: Peralatan
  • Leash: Tali pengikat
  • Bridle: Pelana
  • Tether: Tali pengikat
  • Fasten: Mengikat
  • Attach: Melampirkan
  • Secure: Mengamankan
  • Link: Menghubungkan

Phrasal verbs related to “harness”:

  • Harness the power: Memanfaatkan kekuatan
  • Harness the energy: Memanfaatkan energi
  • Harness the potential: Memanfaatkan potensi
  • Harness the resources: Memanfaatkan sumber daya
  • Harness the creativity: Memanfaatkan kreativitas
  • Harness the technology: Memanfaatkan teknologi
  • Harness the talent: Memanfaatkan bakat
  • Harness the strength: Memanfaatkan kekuatan
  • Harness the opportunity: Memanfaatkan peluang
  • Harness the innovation: Memanfaatkan inovasi

Common expressions related to “harness”:

  • Harness the power within: Memanfaatkan kekuatan di dalam diri
  • In harness: Dalam kendali
  • Get back into harness: Kembali bekerja
  • Work in harness: Bekerja secara bersama-sama
  • Out of harness: Tidak bekerja
  • Put the harness on: Memasang kendali
  • Off the harness: Tidak terikat
  • In full harness: Dalam kondisi siap bekerja
  • In the harness: Dalam kondisi bekerja
  • Throw off the harness: Melepaskan kendali

Related idioms:

  • In harness: Dalam kendali
  • Get back into harness: Kembali bekerja
  • Work in harness: Bekerja secara bersama-sama
  • Out of harness: Tidak bekerja
  • Put the harness on: Memasang kendali

Please note that the Indonesian equivalents provided are approximate translations and may have variations in usage.

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