
Hatched is a verb commonly used to describe the process of an egg opening or breaking to release a young bird or reptile. It can also refer to the emergence or development of a plan, idea, or scheme. In the context of eggs, it conveys the moment of birth or creation, while in other scenarios, it signifies the realization or execution of a plan.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The baby chicks hatched from their eggs, chirping in the warmth of the nest.
  2. The archaeologists carefully uncovered the ancient eggs, revealing the fossils of once-hatched dinosaurs.
  3. The cunning plan was carefully hatched by the team to outsmart their opponents.
  4. The grand scheme was hatched in secrecy, surprising everyone when it was unveiled.
  5. The eggshell hatched open, and a tiny turtle made its way to the sea.
  6. The secret project was finally hatched after months of meticulous planning.
  7. The spies hatched a plan to infiltrate the enemy base without detection.
  8. The bird diligently kept its eggs warm until they hatched into fluffy nestlings.
  9. The idea for a community garden was hatched during a neighborhood meeting.
  10. The entrepreneur hatched a revolutionary concept that would transform the industry.

Synonyms (Sinonim):

  • Birthed (Terlahir)
  • Emerged (Muncul)
  • Conceived (Dikonsepsi)
  • Developed (Dikembangkan)
  • Formulated (Diformulasikan)
  • Devised (Mendesain)
  • Created (Diciptakan)
  • Planned (Dipersiapkan)
  • Initiated (Dimulai)
  • Realized (Terealisasi)

Antonyms (Antonim):

  • Abandoned (Ditinggalkan)
  • Halted (Diakhiri)
  • Stopped (Berhenti)
  • Ended (Selesai)
  • Ceased (Berhenti)
  • Failed (Gagal)

Derived Words (Kata Turunan):

  • Hatching (Proses penetasan)
  • Hatchery (Tempat penetasan)

Related Words (Kata Terkait):

  • Eggshell (Kulit telur)
  • Nestling (Bayi burung dalam sarang)
  • Incubate (Mengeram)
  • Brood (Mengerami)
  • Scheme (Rencana)
  • Plan (Rencana)
  • Idea (Ide)
  • Concept (Konsep)

Phrasal Verbs (Frasa Verba):

  • Hatch out (Keluar dari telur)
  • Hatch up (Merealisasikan sesuatu)

Common Expressions (Ekspresi Umum):

  • Hatched a plan (Merencanakan sesuatu)
  • Hatched a scheme (Merancang rencana)
  • Hatched a concept (Mengembangkan suatu konsep)

Related Idioms (Idiom Terkait):

  • “Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched” (Jangan menghitung untung sebelum benar-benar terjadi)

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