An “heirloom” is a valuable object, typically a piece of jewelry, furniture, or other personal item, that has been passed down through generations within a family. Heirlooms are cherished for their sentimental value and historical significance, often holding memories and stories of ancestors. These items are handed down from one generation to the next, serving as a tangible link to the family’s past.
Sample Sentences:
- The antique pocket watch was a cherished family heirloom, passed down for over a century.
- The heirloom quilt was painstakingly crafted by the matriarch and became a symbol of family unity.
- The family gathered to celebrate the holidays and share stories about the heirloom silverware.
- Each heirloom in the collection had a label detailing its origin and the family member who owned it.
- The heirloom necklace, adorned with a vintage pendant, was worn by brides in the family for generations.
- During the move, extra care was taken to ensure the safety of the fragile heirloom china.
- The family’s old farmhouse was filled with heirloom furniture that had been handed down for generations.
- The heirloom photo album contained black-and-white pictures capturing moments from decades past.
- The heirloom rosebush in the garden had been planted by the great-grandmother and still bloomed annually.
- The family reunion featured an heirloom showcase, allowing relatives to appreciate and learn about their shared history.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Family treasure: harta keluarga
- Ancestral possession: milik leluhur
- Heritage item: barang warisan
- Legacy artifact: artefak warisan
- Inherited relic: peninggalan yang diwariskan
- Antique keepsake: kenang-kenangan antik
- Patrimonial piece: barang pusaka
- Generation gift: hadiah generasi
- Vintage memento: kenang-kenangan vintage
- Lineage token: tanda garis keturunan
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Disposable item: barang sekali pakai
- Temporary possession: milik sementara
- Modern artifact: artefak modern
- Mass-produced piece: barang hasil massal
- Trendy possession: milik yang sedang trend
- Contemporary item: barang kontemporer
- Replaceable heirloom: barang ganti
- New acquisition: penguasaan baru
- Disposable souvenir: kenang-kenangan sekali pakai
- Temporary relic: peninggalan sementara
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Heirloomed: diwariskan sebagai barang pusaka
- Heirlooming: proses pewarisan barang pusaka
- Heirloomize: membuat barang menjadi pusaka
- Heirloomization: pembuatan barang sebagai pusaka
- Heirloomist: ahli barang pusaka
- Heirloomization: proses pembuatan barang sebagai pusaka
- Heirloomed possession: milik diwariskan sebagai barang pusaka
- Unheirloomed: tidak diwariskan sebagai barang pusaka
- Heirloomer: pemilik barang pusaka
- Heirloom-worthy: layak dijadikan barang pusaka
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Family history: sejarah keluarga
- Genealogy: genealogi
- Family tradition: tradisi keluarga
- Ancestor: leluhur
- Descendant: keturunan
- Legacy: warisan
- Tradition: tradisi
- Antique: antik
- Memorabilia: kenang-kenangan
- Family tree: pohon keluarga
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Pass down: mewariskan
- Hand over: memberikan
- Preserve through generations: melestarikan dari generasi ke generasi
- Cherish as an heirloom: menghargai sebagai barang pusaka
- Inherit from ancestors: mewarisi dari leluhur
- Keep in the family: menjaga dalam keluarga
- Hand on: memberikan warisan
- Pass along: meneruskan
- Transmit through lineage: mentransmisikan melalui garis keturunan
- Hold onto: menjaga dengan baik
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- A link to the past: sebuah tautan ke masa lalu
- Treasured family possession: milik keluarga yang dihargai
- Emblem of heritage: lambang warisan
- Connection to ancestry: hubungan dengan leluhur
- Symbol of continuity: simbol kelangsungan
- Ancestral memory: kenangan leluhur
- Living history: sejarah yang hidup
- Family legacy: warisan keluarga
- Emotional connection: hubungan emosional
- Sentimental value: nilai sentimental
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Like father, like son: Seperti ayah, seperti anak
- A piece of family history: Sebuah potongan sejarah keluarga
- Time-honored tradition: Tradisi yang dihormati
- Roots run deep: Akar yang dalam
- In the family for generations: Dalam keluarga selama berabad-abad
- An old soul: Jiwa tua
- A blast from the past: Suatu kejutan dari masa lalu
- Tales of yore: Kisah zaman dulu
- To pass the torch: Meneruskan tongkat estafet
- Wearing one’s heart on one’s sleeve: Menunjukkan perasaan dengan jelas