

“Hircine” is an adjective used to describe something related to or resembling a goat, specifically in terms of odor, behavior, or appearance. It is often associated with the characteristics of goats.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The hircine aroma wafted through the air as we approached the goat farm.
  2. His hircine beard and mischievous grin gave him a distinct, goat-like appearance.
  3. The rocky terrain was home to hircine creatures, agile and sure-footed.
  4. The hircine bleats echoed in the mountainous region, creating a symphony of goat sounds.
  5. The herder’s hircine companions followed closely behind him as he navigated the rugged landscape.
  6. The hircine stubbornness of the goat made it challenging to lead them away from the grazing field.
  7. Hircine agility was evident as the goats effortlessly traversed steep cliffs and rocky slopes.
  8. The hircine behavior of the young goat included playful head-butting and climbing.
  9. The hircine charm of the countryside was enhanced by the presence of free-roaming goats.
  10. The hircine traits of the herd made them well-adapted to the harsh mountain environment.


  • Goat-like: Seperti kambing
  • Caprine: Seperti hewan kambing
  • Goaty: Seperti kambing
  • Bucolic: Seperti kambing, terkait dengan kehidupan desa
  • Horned: Bertanduk seperti kambing
  • Ruminant: Seperti hewan pengerat
  • Ungulate: Seperti hewan berkuku
  • Pastoral: Terkait dengan kehidupan peternakan
  • Countrified: Seperti desa
  • Rustic: Seperti pedesaan


  • Non-goat-like: Bukan seperti kambing
  • Urban: Terkait dengan kehidupan perkotaan
  • Sophisticated: Bertingkat, tidak kasar
  • Delicate: Halus
  • Non-rustic: Bukan seperti pedesaan
  • Domesticated: Tergembala
  • Tame: Jinak
  • Modern: Modern
  • City-like: Seperti kota
  • Urbanized: Terkota

Derived Words:

  • Hircinity: Sifat atau kualitas seperti kambing
  • Hircinophile: Penggemar kambing
  • Hircinophobia: Ketakutan pada kambing
  • Hircinotherapy: Terapi dengan menggunakan kambing
  • Hircinologist: Ahli tentang kambing
  • Hircinography: Studi tentang kambing
  • Hircinoculture: Budidaya kambing
  • Hircinocentric: Berkisar pada kambing
  • Hircinephobia: Ketakutan pada kambing
  • Hircinotherapist: Terapis kambing

Related Words:

  • Goat: Kambing
  • Horn: Tanduk
  • Bleat: Suara kambing
  • Grazing: Penggembalaan
  • Hoof: Kuku
  • Herd: Kumpulan hewan ternak
  • Shepherd: Penggembala
  • Pasture: Padang rumput
  • Alpine: Terkait dengan pegunungan
  • Cliff: Tebing

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Hircine up: Merawat kambing
  • Hircine about: Berkeliaran seperti kambing
  • Hircine along: Bergerak perlahan seperti kambing
  • Hircine over: Melibatkan atau melibatkan kambing
  • Hircine down: Mengurangi kecepatan seperti kambing
  • Hircine through: Menyusuri seperti kambing
  • Hircine in: Masuk atau duduk seperti kambing
  • Hircine off: Pergi perlahan seperti kambing
  • Hircine out: Menyebar seperti kambing
  • Hircine around: Bergerak atau berperilaku seperti kambing

Common Expressions:

  • Hircine aroma: Bau khas kambing
  • Hircine behavior: Perilaku kambing
  • Hircine charm: Daya tarik kambing
  • Hircine companion: Sahabat kambing
  • Hircine agility: Kecepatan dan ketangkasan kambing
  • Hircine traits: Karakteristik kambing
  • Hircine stubbornness: Kegigihan kambing
  • Hircine farm: Peternakan kambing
  • Hircine countryside: Desa dengan kehidupan peternakan
  • Hircine symphony: Bunyi-bunyian dari kambing-kambing

Related Idioms:

  • “Separate the sheep from the goats”: Memisahkan yang baik dari yang buruk
  • “Get someone’s goat”: Mengganggu seseorang
  • “Old goats make the best soup”: Orang yang berpengalaman dapat memberikan saran yang baik
  • “In the goat house”: Dalam masalah atau kesulitan
  • “As sure-footed as a mountain goat”: Sangat berhati-hati dan tangkas
  • “Stubborn as a goat”: Sangat keras kepala
  • “To smell a bit goatish”: Berbau seperti kambing
  • “To act the goat”: Berperilaku bodoh atau gila
  • “To get one’s goat”: Mengganggu atau membuat seseorang marah
  • “To lead someone by the nose like a goat”: Memimpin seseorang dengan mudah

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