“Hircine” is an adjective used to describe something related to or resembling a goat, specifically in terms of odor, behavior, or appearance. It is often associated with the characteristics of goats.
Sample Sentences:
- The hircine aroma wafted through the air as we approached the goat farm.
- His hircine beard and mischievous grin gave him a distinct, goat-like appearance.
- The rocky terrain was home to hircine creatures, agile and sure-footed.
- The hircine bleats echoed in the mountainous region, creating a symphony of goat sounds.
- The herder’s hircine companions followed closely behind him as he navigated the rugged landscape.
- The hircine stubbornness of the goat made it challenging to lead them away from the grazing field.
- Hircine agility was evident as the goats effortlessly traversed steep cliffs and rocky slopes.
- The hircine behavior of the young goat included playful head-butting and climbing.
- The hircine charm of the countryside was enhanced by the presence of free-roaming goats.
- The hircine traits of the herd made them well-adapted to the harsh mountain environment.
- Goat-like: Seperti kambing
- Caprine: Seperti hewan kambing
- Goaty: Seperti kambing
- Bucolic: Seperti kambing, terkait dengan kehidupan desa
- Horned: Bertanduk seperti kambing
- Ruminant: Seperti hewan pengerat
- Ungulate: Seperti hewan berkuku
- Pastoral: Terkait dengan kehidupan peternakan
- Countrified: Seperti desa
- Rustic: Seperti pedesaan
- Non-goat-like: Bukan seperti kambing
- Urban: Terkait dengan kehidupan perkotaan
- Sophisticated: Bertingkat, tidak kasar
- Delicate: Halus
- Non-rustic: Bukan seperti pedesaan
- Domesticated: Tergembala
- Tame: Jinak
- Modern: Modern
- City-like: Seperti kota
- Urbanized: Terkota
Derived Words:
- Hircinity: Sifat atau kualitas seperti kambing
- Hircinophile: Penggemar kambing
- Hircinophobia: Ketakutan pada kambing
- Hircinotherapy: Terapi dengan menggunakan kambing
- Hircinologist: Ahli tentang kambing
- Hircinography: Studi tentang kambing
- Hircinoculture: Budidaya kambing
- Hircinocentric: Berkisar pada kambing
- Hircinephobia: Ketakutan pada kambing
- Hircinotherapist: Terapis kambing
Related Words:
- Goat: Kambing
- Horn: Tanduk
- Bleat: Suara kambing
- Grazing: Penggembalaan
- Hoof: Kuku
- Herd: Kumpulan hewan ternak
- Shepherd: Penggembala
- Pasture: Padang rumput
- Alpine: Terkait dengan pegunungan
- Cliff: Tebing
Phrasal Verbs:
- Hircine up: Merawat kambing
- Hircine about: Berkeliaran seperti kambing
- Hircine along: Bergerak perlahan seperti kambing
- Hircine over: Melibatkan atau melibatkan kambing
- Hircine down: Mengurangi kecepatan seperti kambing
- Hircine through: Menyusuri seperti kambing
- Hircine in: Masuk atau duduk seperti kambing
- Hircine off: Pergi perlahan seperti kambing
- Hircine out: Menyebar seperti kambing
- Hircine around: Bergerak atau berperilaku seperti kambing
Common Expressions:
- Hircine aroma: Bau khas kambing
- Hircine behavior: Perilaku kambing
- Hircine charm: Daya tarik kambing
- Hircine companion: Sahabat kambing
- Hircine agility: Kecepatan dan ketangkasan kambing
- Hircine traits: Karakteristik kambing
- Hircine stubbornness: Kegigihan kambing
- Hircine farm: Peternakan kambing
- Hircine countryside: Desa dengan kehidupan peternakan
- Hircine symphony: Bunyi-bunyian dari kambing-kambing
Related Idioms:
- “Separate the sheep from the goats”: Memisahkan yang baik dari yang buruk
- “Get someone’s goat”: Mengganggu seseorang
- “Old goats make the best soup”: Orang yang berpengalaman dapat memberikan saran yang baik
- “In the goat house”: Dalam masalah atau kesulitan
- “As sure-footed as a mountain goat”: Sangat berhati-hati dan tangkas
- “Stubborn as a goat”: Sangat keras kepala
- “To smell a bit goatish”: Berbau seperti kambing
- “To act the goat”: Berperilaku bodoh atau gila
- “To get one’s goat”: Mengganggu atau membuat seseorang marah
- “To lead someone by the nose like a goat”: Memimpin seseorang dengan mudah