“Hokum” refers to something that is regarded as deceptive, nonsensical, or insincere, often intended to manipulate or mislead. It can also describe a style of exaggerated or theatrical expression that lacks authenticity.
Sample Sentences:
- The political campaign was full of empty promises and political hokum.
- His explanation for the missing funds was nothing more than hokum to cover up embezzlement.
- The motivational speaker’s talk was filled with so much hokum that it left the audience skeptical.
- Don’t feed us that hokum; we need straightforward answers.
- The salesman’s pitch was a mix of charm and hokum designed to sell a faulty product.
- We could see through the CEO’s attempt to disguise layoffs with corporate hokum.
- The movie was criticized for its overuse of clichés and cinematic hokum.
- When the politician started spouting hokum, many voters grew skeptical of his intentions.
- The self-help book was full of pseudoscience and psychological hokum.
- The courtroom drama was praised for avoiding legal hokum and focusing on realism.
- Nonsense (Omong kosong)
- Gibberish (Omong kosong)
- Balderdash (Omong kosong)
- Deception (Penipuan)
- Humbug (Omong kosong)
- Drivel (Omong kosong)
- Malarkey (Omong kosong)
- Charlatanry (Penipuan)
- Quackery (Kedokteran palsu)
- Trickery (Tipu daya)
- Authenticity (Autentisitas)
- Sincerity (Kesungguhan)
- Truth (Kebenaran)
- Reality (Realitas)
- Genuineness (Keaslian)
- Transparency (Transparansi)
- Honesty (Kejujuran)
- Validity (Validitas)
- Legitimacy (Legitimasi)
- Clarity (Keterangkatan)
Derived Words:
- Hokumize (Mengada-ada)
Related Words:
- Deceptive (Menyesatkan)
- Insincere (Tidak tulus)
- Manipulative (Manipulatif)
- Pseudoscience (Ilmu palsu)
- Exaggeration (Pengelebihan)
Phrasal Verbs:
- Hokum around (Bercakap-cakap yang tidak jelas)
Common Expressions:
- Cut the hokum! (Berhenti mengada-ada!)
Related Idioms:
- Hokum and mirrors (Pertunjukan semu)
- Hokum and bull (Omong kosong dan bohong)