“Hoot” is a versatile term with multiple meanings, commonly used as an informal expression to convey a sound of laughter or amusement. It is often employed in a lighthearted manner to describe loud, raucous, or distinctive sounds, such as those made by owls or car horns. In a figurative sense, “hoot” can also denote expressing disdain or disregard for something. Additionally, the term is used in the phrase “not give a hoot,” indicating a lack of interest or concern.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Laugh: tertawa
- Chuckle: cekikikan
- Guffaw: tawa terbahak-bahak
- Snicker: tersenyum-senyum
- Roar: teriakan
- Cackle: tawa merdu
- Giggle: ketawa kecil
- Snort: cegukan
- Belly laugh: tawa bergelombang
- Chortle: tawa kecil
Sample Sentences:
- The comedian’s joke was so funny that the entire audience erupted in bold laughter and hoots.
- The owl perched on the branch emitted a haunting bold hoot in the dark night.
- As the old car rumbled down the street, its faulty horn emitted a comical bold hoot.
- The kids couldn’t contain their bold hoots of joy as they rode the roller coaster.
- Despite the serious topic, his bold hoots of laughter echoed through the room.
- During the comedy show, the audience’s bold hoots resonated with the comedian’s witty punchlines.
- The mischievous students couldn’t help but boldly hoot at the teacher’s exaggerated storytelling.
- The car alarm’s incessant bold hooting woke up the entire neighborhood.
- In response to the silly dance, the crowd erupted in a chorus of bold hoots and cheers.
- The rowdy football fans filled the stadium with their bold hoots and chants.
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Cry: menangis
- Sulk: merajuk
- Weep: menangis
- Frown: mengerutkan dahi
- Sorrow: kesedihan
- Mourn: berkabung
- Sob: tangis
- Wail: ratapan
- Lament: meratapi
- Languish: merana
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Hooter: tukang klakson
- Hooting: suara klakson
- Hooted: berbunyi klakson
- Hooters: klakson
- Hooty: berisik
- Hootenanny: pesta ramai-ramai
- Hooty-tooty: mewah namun merendahkan
- Hootfest: acara penuh kegembiraan
- Hootworthy: layak untuk diketawakan
- Hootenize: bersenang-senang
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Shout: teriak
- Cheer: sorak-sorai
- Applause: tepuk tangan
- Yell: berteriak
- Scream: berteriak
- Glee: kegembiraan
- Mirth: kegembiraan
- Merriment: keceriaan
- Celebration: perayaan
- Hilarity: kegembiraan
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Hoot at: tertawa pada
- Hoot down: mengejek
- Hoot out: melontarkan tawa
- Hoot up: mendukung dengan riuh
- Hoot around: bersenda gurau
- Hoot away: mengusir dengan suara
- Hoot for: memberi tepuk tangan untuk
- Hoot along: ikut tertawa
- Hoot back: membalas ejekan
- Hoot off: menyalahkan dengan keras
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:
- Not give a hoot: tidak peduli
- Give a hoot: peduli
- Hoot and holler: teriak dan sorak-sorai
- Hoot and holler at: tertawa keras pada
- Hoot of laughter: tawa keras
- Not worth a hoot: tidak berharga
- Make a hoot: menciptakan suara keras
- A hoot in the dark: hal yang sangat lucu
- A hoot and a half: sesuatu yang sangat menyenangkan
- Give two hoots: tidak memedulikan
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:
- “A hoot and a holler”: keramaian dan kegembiraan
- “Hoot with the owls, soar with the eagles”: bekerja keras di malam hari dan mencapai kesuksesan di siang hari
- “Give a hoot, don’t pollute”: peduli terhadap lingkungan
- “Not give a hoot”: tidak peduli
- “Hoots mon!”: ekspresi kejutan atau kegembiraan
- “Shoot the hoot”: bercanda atau bersenda gurau
- “Hoot your horn”: klakson
- “Hoot and holler”: merayakan dengan keras
- “Hoot toot”: perayaan ramai
- “Hoot nanny”: pesta ramai-ramai