
“Hoots” is a plural form of the word “hoot,” and it encompasses a range of meanings depending on the context. It can refer to the loud, raucous sounds emitted by certain animals, like owls or car horns. In a more colloquial sense, “hoots” can represent expressions of laughter or amusement. Additionally, it might convey a disregard or lack of interest in a particular situation. The term is often employed informally and is versatile in its application.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The audience erupted in bold hoots and applause after the comedian’s uproarious performance.
  2. As the owl perched on the branch, it emitted a series of bold hoots echoing through the night.
  3. The car parade made a cacophony of bold hoots as they celebrated their victory.
  4. A group of children could be heard exchanging bold hoots of joy as they played in the park.
  5. Despite the serious topic, the meeting room echoed with the bold hoots of executives sharing a moment of camaraderie.
  6. The class burst into bold hoots of laughter as the teacher shared a funny anecdote.
  7. The rowdy party continued into the night with the bold hoots and cheers of the revelers.
  8. The prank played by the mischievous students elicited bold hoots from their amused peers.
  9. The comedy club resonated with the bold hoots of patrons enjoying the stand-up acts.
  10. The street festival was filled with the bold hoots and cheers of the enthusiastic crowd.

Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Laughter: tawa
  • Cheers: sorakan
  • Applause: tepuk tangan
  • Chuckles: cekikikan
  • Guffaws: tawa terbahak-bahak
  • Shouts: teriakan
  • Roars: teriakan keras
  • Celebratory noise: suara perayaan
  • Merriment: keceriaan
  • Revelry: kegembiraan

Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Silence: keheningan
  • Sulkiness: kemarahan
  • Displeasure: ketidakpuasan
  • Tears: air mata
  • Lament: meratapi
  • Frown: mengerutkan dahi
  • Sadness: kesedihan
  • Melancholy: melankolis
  • Dismay: kekecewaan
  • Gloom: kegelapan

Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Hooter: tukang klakson
  • Hooting: suara klakson
  • Hooted: berbunyi klakson
  • Hooters: klakson
  • Hooty: berisik
  • Hootenanny: pesta ramai-ramai
  • Hooty-tooty: mewah namun merendahkan
  • Hootfest: acara penuh kegembiraan
  • Hootworthy: layak untuk diketawakan
  • Hootenize: bersenang-senang

Related Words and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Shout: teriak
  • Cheer: sorak-sorai
  • Applause: tepuk tangan
  • Yell: berteriak
  • Scream: berteriak
  • Glee: kegembiraan
  • Mirth: kegembiraan
  • Merriment: keceriaan
  • Celebration: perayaan
  • Hilarity: kegembiraan

Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Hoot at: tertawa pada
  • Hoot down: mengejek
  • Hoot out: melontarkan tawa
  • Hoot up: mendukung dengan riuh
  • Hoot around: bersenda gurau
  • Hoot away: mengusir dengan suara
  • Hoot for: memberi tepuk tangan untuk
  • Hoot along: ikut tertawa
  • Hoot back: membalas ejekan
  • Hoot off: menyalahkan dengan keras

Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • Not give a hoot: tidak peduli
  • Give a hoot: peduli
  • Hoot and holler: teriak dan sorak-sorai
  • Hoot and holler at: tertawa keras pada
  • Hoot of laughter: tawa keras
  • Not worth a hoot: tidak berharga
  • Make a hoot: menciptakan suara keras
  • A hoot in the dark: hal yang sangat lucu
  • A hoot and a half: sesuatu yang sangat menyenangkan
  • Give two hoots: tidak memedulikan

Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalents:

  • “A hoot and a holler”: keramaian dan kegembiraan
  • “Hoot with the owls, soar with the eagles”: bekerja keras di malam hari dan mencapai kesuksesan di siang hari
  • “Give a hoot, don’t pollute”: peduli terhadap lingkungan
  • “Not give a hoot”: tidak peduli
  • “Hoots mon!”: ekspresi kejutan atau kegembiraan
  • “Shoot the hoot”: bercanda atau bersenda gurau
  • “Hoot your horn”: klakson
  • “Hoot and holler”: merayakan dengan keras
  • “Hoot toot”: perayaan ramai
  • “Hoot nanny”: pesta ramai-ramai

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