“Hot air” is a colloquial expression used to describe empty, exaggerated, or boastful talk that lacks substance or validity. It often refers to statements or promises that are made without real intent or follow-through.
Sample Sentences:
- The politician’s campaign was filled with promises that turned out to be nothing more than hot air.
- Despite the manager’s enthusiastic presentation, many regarded it as mere hot air without actionable plans.
- His constant hot air about his achievements failed to impress his skeptical colleagues.
- The entrepreneur’s pitch was dismissed as empty hot air when the projected numbers proved unrealistic.
- The athlete’s pre-game interview was considered more hot air than a reflection of actual strategy.
- The seminar was marked by speakers engaging in grandiose hot air with little practical advice.
- The student’s excuses for not completing the assignment were seen as nothing but hot air.
- The artist’s promises of groundbreaking work turned out to be mere hot air when the project stalled.
- The coworker’s constant hot air about his capabilities didn’t align with his actual performance.
- Despite the company’s bold claims, some regarded their marketing as pure hot air.
- Bragging – Megumbar
- Boasting – Memamerkan
- Grandiloquence – Pembicaraan berlebihan
- Swaggering – Bersikap angkuh
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
- Flaunting – Mengejek
- Vaunting – Mengejek
- Displaying – Menunjukkan
- Crowing – Bersorak-sorai
- Exulting – Bersukacita
- Substance – Substansi
- Validity – Validitas
- Credibility – Kepercayaan
- Truthfulness – Kebenaran
- Authenticity – Autentisitas
- Reliability – Keandalan
- Concrete – Nyata
- Factual – Faktual
- Reliable – Terpercaya
- Honest – Jujur
Derived Words:
- Hot airiness – Sifat berlebihan atau kosong
Related Words:
- Empty talk – Pembicaraan yang kosong
- Grandiosity – Keangkuhan
- Boastfulness – Pembicaraan yang sombong
- Exaggeration – Penyajian yang berlebihan
- Promises without substance – Janji tanpa substansi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Blow hot air – Bicara besar atau berlebihan
- Engage in hot air – Terlibat dalam pembicaraan kosong
Common Expressions:
- Display of hot air – Tampilan pembicaraan kosong
- Talk hot air – Bicara besar atau berlebihan
Related Idioms:
- All talk and no action – Banyak bicara tapi tidak ada tindakan.
- Blow one’s own horn – Memuji diri sendiri secara berlebihan.