The human body is a marvel of intricate design and remarkable complexity. It is a vessel that carries our essence, our thoughts, and our experiences throughout life’s journey. From the smallest cells to the vast network of organs and systems, the human body is a harmonious symphony of interconnected components working together to sustain life. It is a testament to the wonders of biology and evolution, with each part serving a specific purpose and contributing to the overall functioning of the whole. The human body is not only a physical entity but also a canvas for emotions, expressions, and the essence of our being. It is a source of strength, vulnerability, and resilience, constantly adapting to the world around us. Exploring the intricacies of the human body unveils the beauty, complexity, and fragility of our existence, reminding us of the remarkable nature of our own being.
Berikut adalah beberapa bagian tubuh manusia dan padanan katanya dalam bahasa Indonesia:
- Head: Kepala
- Face: Wajah
- Eye: Mata
- Ear: Telinga
- Nose: Hidung
- Mouth: Mulut
- Tooth (teeth): Gigi (gigi-gigi)
- Tongue: Lidah
- Throat: Tenggorokan
- Neck: Leher
- Shoulder: Bahu
- Arm: Lengan
- Elbow: Siku
- Wrist: Pergelangan tangan
- Hand: Tangan
- Finger: Jari
- Chest: Dada
- Breast: Payudara
- Back: Punggung
- Stomach: Perut
- Waist: Pinggang
- Hip: Pinggul
- Buttocks: Pantat
- Leg: Kaki
- Thigh: Paha
- Knee: Lutut
- Calf: Betis
- Ankle: Mata kaki
- Foot: Kaki
- Toe: Jari kaki
- Skin: Kulit
- Hair: Rambut
- Nail: Kuku
- Bone: Tulang
- Muscle: Otot
- Nerve: Saraf
- Heart: Jantung
- Lungs: Paru-paru
- Liver: Hati
- Kidneys: Ginjal
- Stomach: Lambung
- Intestines: Usus
- Bladder: Kandung kemih
- Brain: Otak
- Spine: Tulang belakang
- Blood: Darah
- Vein: Pembuluh darah
- Artery: Arteri
- Hormone: Hormon
- Immune system: Sistem kekebalan tubuh
- Reproductive system: Sistem reproduksi.