“Humility” is a noun that describes the quality of being humble, characterized by a modest and unassuming attitude. A humble person acknowledges their own limitations and achievements without arrogance or excessive pride. It involves a genuine understanding of one’s place in the larger context of life and a willingness to learn from others. Humility is often associated with a sense of gratitude, openness, and the ability to appreciate the contributions of others.
Sample Sentences:
- Despite his success, the leader maintained a sense of humility, treating everyone with respect.
- Her humility shone through when she accepted compliments with grace and gratitude.
- The athlete’s humility was evident as he thanked his teammates for their crucial role in the victory.
- In moments of achievement, true humility is expressed through a humble acknowledgment of one’s efforts.
- The teacher’s humility was reflected in her eagerness to learn from her students’ perspectives.
- Acts of kindness often stem from a place of humility, where individuals seek to make a positive impact without seeking recognition.
- Humility is not a sign of weakness but a strength that allows for continuous personal growth.
- The scientist’s humility was apparent as he acknowledged the collaborative effort that led to groundbreaking discoveries.
- Genuine leaders inspire through humility, empowering others and fostering a collaborative environment.
- The artist approached criticism with humility, recognizing it as an opportunity for improvement.
Synonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Modesty: Kerendahan hati
- Meekness: Kelembutan
- Humbleness: Kelemahan
- Decency: Kesopanan
- Simplicity: Kesederhanaan
- Gentleness: Kepolosan
- Unpretentiousness: Keterbukaan
- Submissiveness: Kepatuhan
- Courtesy: Kesopanan
- Respectfulness: Sikap hormat
Antonyms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Arrogance: Arogansi
- Pride: Kebanggaan
- Conceit: Kesombongan
- Vanity: Kesombongan
- Egoism: Egoisme
- Haughtiness: Kesombongan
- Superiority: Kebangsawanan
- Pretentiousness: Kesombongan
- Self-importance: Keangkuhan
- Boastfulness: Kepedulian diri
Derived Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Humble: Sederhana
- Humbly: Dengan rendah hati
- Humbleness: Kelemahan
- Humiliate: Merendahkan
- Humiliated: Merendahkan diri
Related Words and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Gratitude: Rasa syukur
- Openness: Keterbukaan
- Appreciation: Penghargaan
- Kindness: Kebaikan
- Empathy: Empati
Phrasal Verbs and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Display humility: Menunjukkan kerendahan hati
- Practice humility: Melatih kerendahan hati
- Embrace humility: Merangkul kerendahan hati
- Exhibit humbleness: Menunjukkan kelemahan
- Foster humility: Mendorong kerendahan hati
Common Expressions and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Humility in victory: Kerendahan hati dalam kemenangan
- A virtue of humility: Keutamaan kerendahan hati
- Essence of humility: Inti dari kerendahan hati
- Principle of humbleness: Prinsip kelemahan hati
- Heart of modesty: Hati yang sederhana
Related Idioms and Indonesian Equivalent:
- Actions speak louder than words: Tindakan lebih berbicara daripada kata-kata
- Walk the talk: Bertindak sesuai dengan perkataan
- Keep one’s feet on the ground: Tetap rendah hati
- Know one’s place: Tahu tempat masing-masing
- Rise above it: Mencapai tingkat yang lebih tinggi