If I Have a Wing of an Angel

If I Have a Wing of an Angel

Casting a furtive glance over his shoulder, the felon slipped out the main prison gate to be swallowed up in the British fog. A plethora of escapes from supposedly secure prisons embarrassed the hapless wardens. To compound their problems, the officials were badgered by irate citizens who accused the guards of accepting bribes from convicts whose motto was: “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage.”

  • Furtive
  • Glance
  • Over his shoulder
  • Felon
  • Slipped out the main prison gate
  • Plethora
  • Supposedly secure prison
  • Embarrassed
  • Hapless
  • Wardes
  • to Compound
  • Badgered
  • Irate
  • Accused
  • Bribe
  • Convicts


  • Furtive: Furtive describes something done in a secretive or stealthy manner, often to avoid being noticed or detected. It implies a sense of caution or secrecy.
  • Glance: Glance refers to a quick or brief look or glimpse, often taken without focusing or studying something in detail. It suggests a swift observation or assessment.
  • Over his shoulder: This phrase describes the action of looking backward or behind oneself, typically to check for any potential threats or to ensure that one is not being followed or watched.
  • Felon: A felon is a person who has been convicted of a serious crime, typically one that is punishable by imprisonment for more than one year.
  • Slipped out the main prison gate: This phrase describes the act of leaving or escaping from a prison through the primary entrance or exit, often in a discreet or unnoticed manner.
  • Plethora: Plethora refers to an excessive or abundant amount or quantity of something. It implies an overwhelming or surplus supply.
  • Supposedly secure prison: This phrase suggests that a prison is believed or assumed to be secure or well-protected, but there may be doubts or uncertainties about its actual level of security.
  • Embarrassed: Embarrassed describes a feeling of self-consciousness, discomfort, or shame due to a perceived mistake, awkward situation, or social blunder.
  • Hapless: Hapless means unfortunate or unlucky, often experiencing circumstances or events beyond one’s control that lead to negative outcomes.
  • Wardes: It seems that “Wardes” is not a recognized word. Could you please provide more context or clarify the meaning?
  • To Compound: To compound can have multiple meanings. It can refer to the act of combining or mixing different elements or substances. It can also mean to worsen or intensify a problem or situation.
  • Badgered: Badgered means to persistently bother, annoy, or pester someone with repeated requests, questions, or demands. It implies a persistent and bothersome behavior.
  • Irate: Irate describes a state of extreme anger, fury, or indignation. It suggests a strong and intense emotional response to a perceived wrongdoing or injustice.
  • Accused: Accused refers to a person who is charged with or alleged to have committed a crime or offense. It implies being formally accused or charged with wrongdoing.
  • Bribe: A bribe is a payment, gift, or favor given to someone, often in a position of power or authority, to influence their actions or decisions in one’s favor.
  • Convicts: Convicts are individuals who have been found guilty of a crime by a court of law and have been sentenced to serve a punishment, typically imprisonment.
  • “If I had a wing of an angel” is an incomplete phrase or sentence; it is difficult to determine its exact meaning without additional context. It could be part of a hypothetical statement or a poetic expression. However, the phrase “wings of an angel” is often used to describe something pure, divine, or heavenly.


The Improbable Warden

Warden Alistair Finchley, renowned for his impeccable record and transparent leadership, cast a furtive glance over his shoulder before entering the smoky backroom of the Red Lion Tavern. Tonight, he wasn’t the respected warden of Blackwood, a supposedly secure prison, but a desperate man meeting with a shadowy figure – a known felon named Grim.

Grim, a mountain of a man with tattoos swirling across his knuckles, sneered. “The escape, Warden. Is it done?”

Alistair, normally composed, stammered, “Almost. There were complications. The tunnel under the west wing…”

Grim slammed his fist on the table, the room shaking. “No excuses! You bribed half the wards in this compound! You promised my brother freedom!”

Alistair paled. His plan, fueled by a naive desire to help Grim’s wrongly accused brother, had spiraled into chaos. Leaks, tighter security, and an irate deputy warden had thrown everything into jeopardy.

Grim’s eyes narrowed. “You’re playing me, Finchley. Or someone else is.”

Desperate, Alistair revealed a stolen document. “Proof. The deputy warden, he’s in on it with another group planning a mass breakout. He set me up, accused me of helping your brother.”

Grim studied the document, his anger simmering. He knew the deputy’s reputation for cruelty, for badgering convicts into submission.

A tense silence hung heavy in the air. Finally, Grim spoke, his voice low. “Double-cross. We expose the deputy, spring my brother, and you walk away clean. Deal?”

Alistair, relieved, shook hands with the felon, sealing their unlikely pact.

The following days were a whirlwind. Alistair, playing his role, subtly tipped off Grim about the deputy’s plans. The escape attempt, orchestrated by the deputy, played out as planned, but with a crucial twist. Grim’s brother, alerted in advance, slipped out the main prison gate amidst the chaos, unnoticed.

The deputy, his scheme exposed, faced the ire of superiors and convicts alike. Alistair, though embarrassed by his actions, found himself lauded for his bravery in uncovering the deputy’s plot.

In the aftermath, Grim vanished, leaving only a cryptic note for Alistair: “Sometimes, the most hapless can break the bars.”

Alistair, forever changed by his brush with the criminal underworld, vowed to uphold true justice, forever aware that even the most secure prison held secrets, and sometimes, the line between warden and felon could blur in the most unexpected ways.


  • Furtive: diam-diam, sembunyi-sembunyi
  • Glance: pandangan cepat
  • Over his shoulder: melihat ke belakang
  • Felon: penjahat
  • Slipped out the main prison gate: keluar melalui gerbang utama penjara
  • Plethora: berlimpah
  • Supposedly secure prison: penjara yang seharusnya aman
  • Embarrassed: malu
  • Hapless: sial, malang
  • Wardes: petugas tahanan
  • Compound: kompleks
  • Badgered: diganggu, ditekan
  • Irate: marah sekali
  • Accused: terdakwa
  • Bribe: suap
  • Convicts: narapidana
  • “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage” is an English proverb that means that physical confinement does not necessarily prevent someone from being free in their mind or spirit. In Indonesian, it can be translated as “Dinding batu bukanlah penjara, besi pun bukanlah sangkar.”

The British fog shrouded a criminal who managed to slip away from the main prison gate undetected. He cast a quick, surreptitious glance over his shoulder before disappearing into the mist. This latest escape from a seemingly secure prison was just one of many that have recently caused embarrassment for the jailers.

  • Slip away from the main prison gate: lolos dari gerbang utama penjara
  • Surreptitious: diam-diam, sembunyi-sembunyi
  • Surreptitious glance over his shoulder: pandangan cepat diam-diam ke belakang
  • Mist: kabut
  • A seemingly secure prison: penjara yang tampaknya aman
  • Embarrassment: rasa malu
  • Jailers: sipir penjara

The prison officials were not only facing criticism for the multiple escapes but they were also being bombarded by angry citizens who accused the guards of accepting bribes from convicted felons. The famous saying only fueled the citizens’ frustration, “Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage,” which seemed to be the motto of the escaped prisoners.

  • Convict: narapidana
  • Convicted felons: penjahat yang telah dihukum
  • Felons: penjahat
  • Fueled the citizens’ frustration: memperburuk frustrasi warga
  • Escaped prisoners: narapidana yang melarikan diri

The continuous escapes from the seemingly secure facilities have raised questions about the efficacy of the prison system and the integrity of those in charge. It’s a complex issue that requires a careful examination of the root causes of the problem and swift action to ensure the safety and security of the prisoners and the general public.

  • Continuous escapes: pelarian yang terus-menerus
  • Efficacy: efektivitas
  • Integrity of those in charge: integritas orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab
  • People in charge: orang-orang yang bertanggung jawab
  • Swift: cepat
  • Ensure: memastikan
  • Pyrrhic victory

The Furtive Escape: Education Behind Stone Walls

In the supposedly secure prison compound of Wardes, a plethora of hapless felons were confined behind stone walls and iron bars. Each day, their hopes for a brighter future were overshadowed by the harsh reality of their incarceration. Yet, amidst the despair, a glimmer of possibility lingered.

One fateful day, an accused felon, desperate to break free from the clutches of his past, devised a daring plan. With a furtive glance over his shoulder, he slipped out the main prison gate, leaving behind a trail of confusion and embarrassment for the prison authorities.

The escapee’s objective was not to evade justice entirely, but rather to seek education, a chance at redemption. He believed that education was the key to breaking free from the cycle of crime and transforming his life. Determined to seize this opportunity, he embarked on a journey filled with uncertainty and danger.

In the outside world, the escapee was met with skepticism and prejudice. Society badgered him with doubts and questioned his intentions. But he remained undeterred, fueled by an irate desire to prove himself and overcome the limitations placed upon him.

With the little money he had, the escapee sought to bribe his way into educational institutions. He understood that education was a privilege reserved for the privileged, and he was determined to break through the barriers that confined him. Through sheer determination and resilience, he managed to secure a place in a local university.

As the escapee delved into his studies, he discovered the transformative power of education. It was not just about acquiring knowledge; it was a path to self-discovery and personal growth. The once-accused felon found solace and purpose within the walls of the classroom, as he worked tirelessly to prove that his victory was not pyrrhic.

His story inspired other convicts within the prison compound to seek education as well. Together, they formed a community of learners, supporting one another in their pursuit of knowledge. They realized that stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage, as long as their minds remained open to the possibilities that education offered.

The journey was not without its challenges. The escapee and his fellow inmates faced countless obstacles and prejudices along the way. But their determination and resilience propelled them forward, defying the odds and proving that education had the power to transform lives.

As news of their achievements spread, the wider society began to question the effectiveness of the prison system. The furtive escape and subsequent pursuit of education had exposed the flaws within the system, highlighting the need for rehabilitation and second chances.

The story of the escapee and his fellow inmates became a symbol of hope and resilience. It shed light on the importance of providing education and support to those who had been marginalized by society. It ignited a conversation about the transformative power of education and its potential to break the cycle of crime.

In the end, the escapee’s journey was not just about his personal redemption. It was a testament to the indomitable spirit of the human soul and the belief that education can transcend the confines of any prison. His victory, though hard-fought, was far from pyrrhic. It was a triumph of the human spirit and a call to action for a more inclusive and equitable education system.

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