“Illicit” is an adjective that describes something forbidden by law, rules, or custom. It refers to activities, substances, or actions that are illegal, unauthorized, or prohibited.
Sample Sentences:
- The police discovered an illicit drug operation in the abandoned warehouse.
- Engaging in illicit activities can result in severe legal consequences.
- Smuggling illicit goods across borders is a serious offense.
- The company faced legal repercussions for their illicit business practices.
- The detective worked tirelessly to uncover the illicit dealings of the criminal organization.
- Illicit substances were confiscated during the raid on the clandestine laboratory.
- The government implemented strict measures to curb illicit financial transactions.
- Participants in the illicit trade of wildlife face imprisonment and hefty fines.
- Illicit trade in counterfeit goods undermines legitimate businesses.
- Law enforcement agencies collaborate to combat illicit activities on a global scale.
- Illegal: Ilegal
- Unlawful: Melanggar hukum
- Prohibited: Dilarang
- Unauthorized: Tidak sah
- Forbidden: Terlarang
- Contraband: Barang terlarang
- Clandestine: Rahasia
- Covert: Tersembunyi
- Unlicensed: Tidak berlisensi
- Under-the-table: Di bawah meja
- Legal: Legal
- Authorized: Disahkan
- Permissible: Diperbolehkan
- Lawful: Sah
- Allowed: Diizinkan
- Aboveboard: Terbuka
- Permitted: Diperbolehkan
- Law-abiding: Patuh hukum
- Approved: Disetujui
- Legitimate: Sah
Derived Words:
- Illegality: Tindakan ilegal
- Illicitly: Dengan cara ilegal
- Illicitness: Keadaan ilegal
- Illicitly: Dengan cara ilegal
- Illicitly: Dengan cara ilegal
- Illicitness: Keadaan ilegal
- Illicitize: Membuat ilegal
- Illicited: Menyebabkan ilegal
- Illiciting: Menyebabkan ilegal
- Illiciter: Pihak yang ilegal
Related Words:
- Contraband trade: Perdagangan barang terlarang
- Underworld: Dunia bawah tanah
- Black market: Pasar gelap
- Smuggling: Penyelundupan
- Covert operation: Operasi rahasia
- Criminal activity: Aktivitas kriminal
- Unauthorized access: Akses tanpa izin
- Hidden agenda: Agenda tersembunyi
- Secret dealings: Perjanjian rahasia
- Stealthy behavior: Perilaku tersembunyi
Phrasal Verbs:
- Engage in illicit activities: Terlibat dalam aktivitas ilegal
- Crack down on illicit trade: Menindak tegas perdagangan ilegal
- Uncover illicit dealings: Mengungkapkan transaksi ilegal
- Clamp down on illicit substances: Melarang penggunaan zat terlarang
- Combat illicit financial transactions: Memerangi transaksi keuangan ilegal
- Crack down on illicit operations: Memusnahkan operasi ilegal
- Investigate illicit practices: Menyelidiki praktik ilegal
- Confiscate illicit goods: Mengambil barang-barang terlarang
- Prosecute for illicit actions: Mengadili tindakan ilegal
- Prevent illicit trade: Mencegah perdagangan ilegal
Common Expressions:
- Illicit affair: Hubungan terlarang
- Illicit trade: Perdagangan ilegal
- Illicit substances: Zat terlarang
- Illicit financial activities: Aktivitas keuangan ilegal
- Illicit business practices: Praktik bisnis ilegal
- Illicit dealings: Transaksi ilegal
- Illicit operations: Operasi ilegal
- Illicit behavior: Perilaku ilegal
- Illicit transactions: Transaksi ilegal
- Illicit use: Penggunaan ilegal
Related Idioms:
- “Behind closed doors”: Di belakang pintu tertutup
- “Under the table”: Di bawah meja
- “In the shadows”: Di dalam bayangan
- “In the dark”: Dalam kegelapan
- “In secret”: Secara rahasia
- “Behind the scenes”: Di belakang layar
- “In the underworld”: Di dunia bawah tanah
- “Behind a veil of secrecy”: Di balik tabir kerahasiaan
- “In hush-hush fashion”: Dengan cara yang dirahasiakan
- “Behind a cloak of invisibility”: Di balik tabir ketidakterlihatan