
An impressario is a person who organizes and manages events, especially those related to the arts, entertainment, or music. It is often used to describe someone with exceptional skills in managing and promoting artistic productions.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The renowned impressario meticulously planned and executed a grand opera performance.
  2. As an experienced impressario, John knew how to attract top-tier performers for the annual music festival.
  3. The theater’s success was attributed to the visionary leadership of its dedicated impressario.
  4. The local community eagerly awaited the arrival of the famous impressario for the upcoming cultural event.
  5. The talented impressario effortlessly transformed an ordinary space into a captivating art exhibition.
  6. The opera house flourished under the guidance of the skilled impressario who brought world-class productions to the city.
  7. The charismatic impressario captivated the audience with his passion for the performing arts.
  8. The city’s cultural scene thrived thanks to the collaborative efforts of artists and the visionary impressario.
  9. The young and ambitious impressario aimed to bring innovative and diverse performances to the local community.
  10. The legendary impressario received accolades for his contributions to the world of classical music.


  • Producer: produser
  • Manager: manajer
  • Promoter: promotor
  • Organizer: pengelola
  • Entrepreneur: pengusaha
  • Director: direktur
  • Coordinator: koordinator
  • Maestro: maestro
  • Curator: kurator
  • Conductor: konduktor


  • Amateur: amatir
  • Novice: pemula
  • Incompetent: tidak kompeten
  • Inexperienced: tidak berpengalaman
  • Dilettante: diletan
  • Nonprofessional: nonprofesional

Derived Words:

  • Impressarial: impresarial (related to impressarios)

Related Words:

  • Event management: manajemen acara
  • Arts administration: administrasi seni
  • Artistic productions: produksi artistik
  • Cultural events: acara budaya

Phrasal Verbs:

  • Manage an event: mengelola suatu acara
  • Organize a performance: mengatur pertunjukan
  • Plan an exhibition: merencanakan pameran

Common Expressions:

  • Visionary impresario: impresario visioner
  • Acclaimed producer: produser terkemuka

Related Idioms:

  • Pulling the strings: mengendalikan segalanya
  • Behind the scenes: di balik layar
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